Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog 'Assassin' Uncleseekers Guna Morfin Sebelum Posting Memfitnah Tuanku Sultan Johor!

Assassin ialah pembunuhan tokoh besar masyarakat selalunya dengan serangan mengejut bagi tujuan politik. Mungkin disebabkan faktor ugama, ideologi, politik dan militari. Juga didorong oleh duit, dendam, dan suka publisiti dikenali umum.

Perkataan assassin dari bahasa Arab Hashshashin. Juga dikaitkan dengan hashish (ganja). Dikatakan pelaku assassin ini akan hisap ganja dulu sebelum melakukan tugas.

Assassin juga merujuk kumpulan Nizari dari pecahan fahaman Shiah Ismaili diasaskan oleh seorang putera Parsi Hassan as-Sabbah semasa zaman pertengahan. Mereka aktif di Kota Alamut, Iran dari abad ke 8 hingga ke 14. Mereka mengawal Istana Kota Masyaf di Syria.

Kumpulan ini membunuh orang Islam Abbasid, Seljuk dan kumpulan elite Christian Crusader bagi sebab politik dan agama. Adalah dipercayai assassin dipengaruhi oleh ganja semasa mereka melakukan pembunuhan dan indroktinasi. Kumpulan Hashshashin ini telah dimusnahkan oleh Empayar Mongol pada tahun 1275.

Assassin ialah kaedah kuno alat kuasa politik. Zaman moden ini, pembunuhan orang kenamaan telah menjadi lebih dari alat perebutan kuasa antara sesama pemerintah dan juga diguna untuk simbol politik.

Media baru juga seperti internet, blog, facebook dan Twitter diguna oleh assassin moden. Kalau dulu assassin pakar dalam ilmu membunuh dan meracun sasaran tokoh, hari ini assassin juga pakar dalam meracun pemikiran rakyat secara halus dan sistematik.

Blogger Uncleseekers yang menulis 66 posting memfitnah Tuanku Sultan Johor dan Kerabat serta Pegawai Tinggi Kerajaan Johor telah ditangkap polis dan diidapati positif dadah.

WZWH pun hairan bagaimana ada seorang blogger Melayu yang sanggup memfitnah, menghina dan memburuk Sultan negeri sendiri. Blogger bukan Melayu yang anti Raja Melayu pun tidak sanggup menulis posting begitu.

Rupa-rupanya Uncleseekers ini kaki tarik morpin sebelum menulis posting memfitnah Tuanku Sultan Johor. Patutlah Uncleseekers menulis merapu begitu.

Uncleseekers mengikut jejak 'assassin' menggunakan dadah sebelum melakukan 'pembunuhan politik'.


Anonymous said...

No komen, tak dapat cerita sebenar.

Anonymous said...

En Wan,
Penyalahguna morfin x leh buat ape selain khayal, hilang khayal cari lagi sebelum datang gian....nak nulis suatu yang mcm USeekers ni x de kerja diaorang laaa...
Pengguna dan prnyalahguna ada beza... Jangan terus terjah je tuduh orang tarik morfin...
TRY LA DULU, nak tekan keyboard pon terlajak klu dah tarik bangggg....


Anonymous said...

Apa makna 'fitnah' tu? Mungkin apa yang awak tulis ni pun fitnah..

Anonymous said...

Benar tetap benar yang salah tetap salah e 2 lahhh mainan hidup manusia,,,yang berkuasa..biler mati tanggungg laaa sendiri,,kalau dan bertaubat..kalu dok faham2 jerr lahhh...di dunia awak hebat bilerr matiiii x der yang nolongggg....tanggunggg laaa sendiriiiiii

Ghab said...

Syed Abdullah , “This is the moment that I have been waiting for,’’ he said, adding that he would continue publishing more documents " , while he was handcuffed upon his arrest .

Quoting from Syed Abdullah's above acknowledgement , he is surely an epic- paranormal Uncleseekers who is in lined with those ghostbusters of Chow Kit road .

One can't hardly imagine the life that Syed Abdullah has gone through . He is the son ( a spoiled brat ) to the prominent killer writer , Syed Hussien Al- Attas , who has raised him to become an Assassin writer . It is sad though , at the peak of Syed Abdullah's 46 birthday year , he has been tapered by another controversial episode of his funneling entity showed a positive for morphine as reported .

In his 66 entries ( tongang terbalik ) , he reckons to fantasize that he is the incarnation of the protagonist Desmond Miles . DM is a hero in the created fiction story of the Assassin's Creed . Syed Abdullah assumes the character of Desmond Miles , the Assassin , but actually it is a show off by him being different among the other fellow ghostbusters .

Syed Abdulah animus is hereditary , like father like son . Unlike Desmond Miles , Desmond was the descendent of several lines of prominent Assassins with multi skills which genetically leaked into him . Apparently , Syed Abdullah is the conduit of his father's mental skill which seemed to duplicate goodness but actually characterizing ugliness . He has disclosed the official secret documents to the public by shaming the Royal Institution . It be damned if he is not nailed to the cross .

For the spoiled and illusional brat like Syed Abdullah ,The Royal house of Johor to him is the mega corporation of Abstergo who has terrorized his elated consciousness . It has to be stopped because it would hinder the emergence and development for the new order comprised of the incendiary breeds as he has prophesied .

He thought that the civilization of the Abstergo would be depleted by his 66 articles of faith which consume an ad infinitum condemning by assassinated pen . In the end , Abstergo remains statefast with ' the piece of Eden ' because the people are loyal to Abstergo . Despite Syed Abdullah 's dogged head , the sovereignty is alive and well that has brought further notable relationship between the Royal House of Johor and Johorean .

Uncle Joe said...


A well written comment about Syed Abdullah as he had made a huge blot on his own write up about "The Royal house of Johor." A sad eccentric person who deserved to be separated from the real life/world of the human kind. He should be punished for his published accusations of our beloved Sultan. A poppycock type of character .....nonsense indeed!!

Wan Zamzuri Wan Hasenan said...

To all WZWH readers, bloggers and Johorean,

When everybody including KDN minister, Johorean bloggers, even Johorean didn't care less what poisoning postings Uncleseeker assassinating The Tuanku Sultan of Johore, The Royal house Johore, and top Johore Officers...hence WZWH came forward, although WZWH is a blogger from Ulu Tembeling, Pahang.

Sultan Johore from Temenggong descendents which derived from Bendahara Tun Habib Abdul Majid Padang Saujana of Johore.

It is a duty of the Bendahara clan to protect the sibings of Temenggong clan. Vice versa.

WZWH is obliged to that tradition and family custom beside that is the constitutional morarchy in modern Malaysian politics.

Quiet Despair said...

Good job, Ghab.
It is the morphine which is doing the talking for him.
Uncle Seekers is glory seeking.
Like his father, he is a tukang karut cum penglipur lara.
We should take him with a grain of salt.
In Thailand, he will be immediately sent to jail for lese majeste.

P.S. I thought I saw the Pirates writing two postings about Uncle Seekers.
But they have disappeared from the radar screen.
Now you see it, now you don't.

Anonymous said...

Salam, Che Wan tengok ke dia hisap morfin, kalau tak tengok che wan pun sama buat fitnah.

Kampong man said...

Indeed Pirates chicken out for fear of possible repercussion .There is no real need to protect uncleseeker.Kampong man wrote something like this in POP blog but those articles disappeared .haha.In fact ,POP put a blame on UMNO too.Is that neutrality POP ?(.sorry i use my samsung phone to write most comments whatever come to the head,no planning)

Having lived and worked in Johore Pirates must not underestimate the Johorean loyalty to their Sultan.You dont play play with Johore royalties.Johor is just special hence the JMF which other states dont have.Uncleseeker to me is just a dumb man who makes money by being a nasty blogger.Pirates ,how wrong can you be if ever the Johorean will be behind PR and leave UMNO out of this episode and Nizar stupid tweet.Since when Johor is ever in the hand of Pakatan anyway.Bring all those UMNO or MCA rejects like Chua Joo Meng or Anwar,Johor remains BN from the record.Johorean protects and relate to their Sultan no matter how much the anti gomen blogger spin.So please take note.In fact ,it will work for BN instead.Disagree anyone ?

Anonymous said...

Yg bukan org johor meh datang semayang jemaat kat johor niiii....
Lps abis semayang boleh tengok orang cpt2 blah pasal malas nk tadah tangan amin kan doa tuk soltaaan ni...
Yang tadah tangan pon tak dak bunyi amin bila smpai part nama soltaaaan d sebut.....amin jd slowwww......
Tak caya bole buat ujian.....TEST...pegi lah kat beberapa masjid.....dengar betul2.....

Anonymous said...

Sedapnya komen che wan dalam bahasa ingeris hingga tulisan QD dan KM macam budak darjah 6 je. Bekas pelajar oversea katakan.

Anonymous said...

Baca dan dapatkan SIASAH minggu ini.Ada banyak artikal yang mendedahkan kenapa Pakatan harus ditolak rakyat dengan hampir 20 dalil dan bagaimana PAS menggunakan Islam untuk politik.Aksn terdapat perebutan kuasa sekira Pakatan menang.


Quiet Despair said...

Anon 10.29pm

Ya kita patut bangga orang dari Ulu Tembeling pandai tulih omputeh. Itu menunjukkan kejayaan dasar pelajaran negara.
Abang Wanpun bukan calang orang. Dia kelulusan masters from Scotland.
Tak kalahlah dengan blogger favorite kita Sakmongkol.
QD cuma separuh Malaysia. Tak masuk buku lor.

P.S.Harap aok ikhlas dengan komen aok. Janganlah perli atau menyindir orang.

Anonymous said...

Awas , ada bermacam rupa manusia yang suka melaga lagakan blogger saperti anon 10.29 dengan pengomen ( bukan peromen haha..) dalam cyber tanpa sempadan.Tak yah amik pusing ler QD.

Lagi nak dekat election lagi kuat tuduhan dalam blog pro PR saperti Sakmongkol dan Pak Aspan

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