Wednesday, February 12, 2014

PPSMI Sudah Gagal...PBS Mungkin Gagal...Pendidikan Malaysia Perlu Dievolusikan!

Posting ini WZWH mengajak rakyat Malaysia berfikir dan merenung isu pendidikan Malaysia. Sebenarnya isu pendidikan bukanlah isu yang susah dan rumit untuk rakyat Malaysia memahami.

WZWH akan menulis sesimple yang boleh dan mudah. WZWH tidak akan eloborate secara complicated tentang Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025.

Tidak ada guna WZWH menerangkan PPPM jika isu PPSMI sudah gagal dan PBS mungkin gagal!

Sebelum WZWH pergi lebih jauh menerangkan konsep mudah kenapa pendidikan Malaysia perlu dievolusikan, mari kita melihat apa sebenar isu pendidikan merentas zaman.

Siapa Menteri Pendidikan di zaman Kesultanan Melaka? Apa polisi, apa dasar yang membolehkan Melaka maju, makmur, dan kaya dan rakyatnya sejahtera menarik minat Eropah, India dan China serta Asia Tenggara berdagang di Melaka.

500 tahun selepas dijajah atau under protectate, post kemerdekaan 1957 apa polisi dan dasar pendidikan negara Semenanjung Tanah Melayu @ Malaya @ Malaysia yang boleh melahirkan:

  • Tunku
  • Tun Razak
  • Hussein Onn
  • Mahathir

Ramai lagi cendikiawan, intelektual, teknokrat, saintis, birokrat dsb

Adakah polisi dan dasar pendidikan negara kita masih tidak bagus?

Kenapa kita mahu mengubah dengan drastik sistem pendidikan negara kita?

Medium English kepada medium Melayu.....

Kemudian medium Melayu kepada medium English...

Tambah lagi 'Islamisation of knowledge' dan subjek-subjek Islami...

Knowledge "yang sudah Islam" mahu diIslamkan lagi menjadi double Islam dan subjek-subjek Islami yang tidak relevan dengan peredaran zaman mengconfusekan rakyat Malaysia.

PPSMI berabis RM12 bilion for nothing gagal begitu sahaja...

PBS pun mungkin gagal kerana kemampuan guru-guru dan keperluan infrateknologi tidak bersedia...

Pendidikan Malaysia wajar dievolusikan

Malaysia is grappling with great challenges – too great for any one country to address. Facing economic crisis, widespread graduate unemployment, and rising competition from developing economies, Malaysia must adjust to technological advances and new modes of working – all while an aging population puts increasing strain on exhausted public budgets. In this fragile context, Malaysia must focus on education in order to nurture people’s talents and potential, and thus to spur economic and social recovery.

Education holds the key not only to better jobs and stronger GDP growth, but also to the cultural, political, and social development that is needed to ensure that citizens are well-rounded and grounded enough to lead at the local, national, and international levels. By focusing on the right policies, Malaysian leaders can ensure that Malaysian education enables them to be articulate global citizens and potent economic actors.

The good news is that our leaders seem to recognize the value of the pursuit of knowledge. When allocating funds in the 2013-2025 Education Budget, wisely decided to increase funding for education and research – the only areas in which they did so. This commitment to safeguarding education and research funding should be reflected at all levels of policymaking.

Moreover, in order to drive Malaysia transformation into a hub of responsible innovation and ethically sound production, policymakers must ensure that higher-education institutions equip students with cutting-edge knowledge and high-level flexible skills grounded in shared values. This means developing differentiated education systems, ranging from vocational schools to doctoral programs, and giving students access to international experience, which can expose them to opportunities beyond national frontiers.

For example, the Erasmus program, which enables university students to study or work abroad as part of their degree, broadens participants’ outlook while enhancing their willingness and ability to go where the jobs are. Such programs also enrich local students and offer valuable insights to professors about other traditions of higher education.

Furthermore, our leaders must recognize that high-quality instruction is as central to universities as, say, pioneering research. As it stands, while everyone agrees that researchers need extensive training, the prevailing assumption is that great teachers are born and great teaching just happens – a view that is hampering education at all levels.

Improving the quality of instruction in higher education is at the focus  Another recommendation is to develop quality teaching through compulsory continuous professional training, and to recognize and reward achievement. This approach would give educators the skills and motivation that they require to provide the kind of education that Malaysia needs.

Another crucial issue – concerns new modes of delivering education, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In fact, some claim that a revolution in the way knowledge and information is created and transmitted is imminent.

While these new modes of delivery are undoubtedly transforming education, especially higher education, what is happening may be more evolution than revolution. In other words, rather than bringing about the end of brick-and-mortar education, MOOCs and other innovations will spur the progression to so-called “click-and-mortar” education. This suggests that the recommendations in this area will include complementary improvements to existing formal and non-formal systems, as well as mechanisms for reviving lifelong learning in higher education.

For students, the foundations for success must be laid early, beginning with pre-primary and primary education. And policymakers must recognize the risk of perpetuating a digital divide that favors those who are already advantaged. Malaysian leaders must work to ensure that new modes of delivering education translate into better opportunities for a broader range of people.

The pace and scope of technological progress makes predicting impending developments, and how they will affect education, virtually impossible. Regardless of which new technologies arise, however, education will boil down to teachers and students. Providing tools and opportunities that support the evolution of their respective roles is essential to creating a labor force capable of adapting to changing circumstances. That is the real challenge facing Malaysia.


Anonymous said...

Sapa kata PPSMI gagal? Mana research paper ko? Atau mana jurnal2 yang mengatakan PPSMI gagal?

Sapa yang masuhkan PPSMI dan sebab apa? Sebab bahasa sahaja? Sebab tuntutan A. Samad Said?

Lembab! Ala-ala Najib punya minded jugak ko ni!

Anonymous said...

Bila PPSMI tidak diterus sambungkan....dari buku teks dwi-bahasa hingga sekarang buku teks satu bahasa bererti dan bermakna gagal lah PPSMI wahai anon 8:25 yang lembap!!!

Anonymous said...

kajian di montreal 1969-1972 menunjukkan pelajar yang menguasai lebih dari satu bahasa lebih baik pencapaiannya dari yang menguasai 1 bahasa. siapakah yang menguasai lebih dari satu bahasa di negara kita?

fuedal said...


ape ko cakap nie... nie aku ambik statement ko sendiri..

"WZWH akan menulis sesimple yang boleh dan mudah. WZWH tidak akan eloborate secara complicated tentang Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025."

pastu ko copy paste statement ingerris tanpa translations.. komplen pasal tak guna bahasa kebangsaan tpi,.. adoi.. letih camni

ubah, hijrah skit mentalitimtuuuuuu.. parah camni

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