Tuesday, September 1, 2015

New Najibian Political Order : ShaDAPs These BiaDAPs

hannah blank

The BERSIH 4 rally back up by the DAP politicians aim at toppling DS Najib as Prime Minister by moving the masses and persuading members of parliaments to vote of no confidence to oust DS Najib.

It would be easy to suggest that, in “zero-sum” fashion, any gain or victory on the Bersih side must entail an equal and corresponding loss or defeat on the side of the authorities.

But things may not be that simple.

Every day since Prime Minister DS Najib asserted his new-found political ruthlessness has been a test of his newly restructured political regime.

Every day that it avoids serious contestation, and every day that it survives overt challenge (or is not made to face one), it further consolidates itself, “normalises” the conditions under which it operates, and increases its legitimacy.

The Bersih weekend had long been in preparation. But once the governing framework was suddenly restructured in late July, Bersih 4.0 became an explicit challenge to the “new Najibian political order”.

That new order is, in its character and key personnel, a much tougher beast than its predecessor.

Especially as represented and personified by the new Deputy Prime Minister, Zahid Hamidi, and by the ever more assertive Inspector-General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar, working under him in the DPM’s substantive capacity as Home Affairs Minister, the new order is one that is conspicuously committed to what may be termed a “policing authoritarianism” approach.

That is the preference of those two key state and regime functionaries —— who, it seems, have been allowed the leeway to follow that approach and their inclinations towards it by a prime minister who is largely preoccupied with the matter of his own political reputability and survival.

It was as an expression of that inclination toward “policing authoritarianism” that the dire, intimidating pre-Bersih 4.0 warnings emanated.

These were warnings that had to be taken seriously. Those who issued them were clearly ready for and capable of that kind of action.

And yet, as they may have come to appreciate, there might be a heavy international cost to Malaysia’s new political order if its boldest members were to choose to have recourse to strong-arm methods to defend it against the Bersih demonstrators and their generally unexceptionable political challenge.

So, perhaps seeing discretion as the better part of political wisdom and self-interest as well as valour in this instance, they handled the Bersih demonstrators with remarkable good nature and affability, with considerable finesse and sound judgement.

The fact that the Bersih demonstration was handed well by the authorities, and did not result in unwelcome international criticism and adverse publicity, was a considerable plus for the “new Najibian political order”. A notable success, even a victory.

Yet DS Najib remains a bystander to that success, the success of his two main strongmen, and his prime ministership is in no evident way strengthened by it.

Why DS Najib is not worry? By looking at a set of data below of whose race participated in the history of BERSIH rallies:

  • Bersih 1.0 = Melayu 80% – Cina 20%
  • Bersih 2.0 = Melayu 60% – Cina 40%
  • Bersih 3.0 = Melayu 50% – Cina 50%
  • Bersih 4.0 = Melayu 10% – Cina 90%

The latest BERSIH rally only focus on many DAP supporters which make the majority of Malays and the rest of rakyat will ask no further questions since all the cards have shown. Majority of the Malays will rest the case till GE 14.

ShaDAPs These BiaDAPs

The acts of individuals burning hell notes to the altars of the purported pictures of the PM and wife etc during the BERSIH 4 demonstration.

The acts of individuals stepping on DS Najib the Prime Minister and PAS President DS Hadi's photo.

The acts of carrying the effigy resembled the Prime Minister in jail by BERSIH 4 followers.

Very unbecoming and disrespectful...aprovocative too... sangat biadap!

This Bersih rally with majority of DAP supporters...with stepping acts on DS Najib and Hadi fotos and burning hell notes...the majority of silent Malays say...No Further Questions...Rest The Case!

Freedom of expression taken to the extreme...

DAPist are getting carried away with some strong vocal Malay support....forgetting the many more silent resentment of Malays disagreeing with their over posturing.

Uncivilized !

Biadap is not our culture but it is certainly the culture the DAP has been promoting all these while. It's up to civilized Malaysians to shaDAP these biaDAPs

Bersih? Definitely NO. Kotor, angkuh dan sangat keterlaluan.

SHADAP THE BIADAP - it should be the slogan for a campaign on ADAB!

No respect.

Hope this despiteful way of doing things would not be seen as part of Malaysian Culture. It is these rude and despiteful words and actions which the young generation needs to be shielded from.

No matter what... PM Najib is our country leader... This is something extremely rude...

Why can't DAP wait only 2 and half years to topple DS Najib in election box GE 14? If DAP could!

Why against street demo because invariably there will be someone getting out of control and doing silly thing. The crowd may turn rowdy and disrupt peace. Peace cannot be taken for granted.


1. Najib dan UMNO jelas tidak goyah dan terjejas oleh BERSIH 4. Sokongan untuk Najib bersandar kepada sokongan akar umbi UMNO. Majoritinya adalah Melayu yang menebal dgn semangat kebangsaan dan tetap kekal menyokong beliau.

2. MCA dan GERAKAN menanggung rugi besar. Kaum Cina tidak percaya mereka dan UMNO pula semakin mencurigai pendirian MCA yg kelihatan bersimpati dengan BERSIH 4. UMNO melihat MCA dan Gerakan sebagai parti yg lemah dan tidak lagi mampu menarik sokongan orang Cina.

3. Kehadiran Tun M ke Dataran Merdeka gagal memenangi hati kedua dua belah pihak. Dia dianggap diktator yg sering menindas sebarang perhimpunan awam. Dia tidak ada tempat di kalangan para demonstran pada hari tersebut di mana 80% daripadanya adalah kaum Cina. Dia juga dikecam hebat oleh ahli UMNO dan majoriti orang Melayu kerana menghadiri BERSIH 4. Imej Tun M sebenarnya terjejas teruk.

4. Malang untuk Anwar dan keluarganya kerana laungan BEBASKAN ANWAR tidak kedengaran sama sekali dan ditenggelami oleh tiupan hingar bingar vuvuzela.

5. Gerakan Harapan Baru diaibkan kerana gagal membawa penyokong yang ramai. GHB boleh diramalkan bungkus awal selepas PRU ke 14.

6. Ustaz Hadi Awang tentu ketawa besar kerana keputusannya memulaukan BERSIH 4 telah memalukan DAP. Dia melakukan perjudian politik yang mahal tetapi menang besar kerana menumpaskan sekaligus GHB, PKR dan DAP. 

7. Kegagalan BERSIH bukan sahaja dari segi jumlah kehadiran yang tidak seimbang antara kaum tetapi dicemari oleh berbagai insiden biadap seperti memijak potret DS Najib dan DS Hadi Awang. Tindakan mereka membawa penyapu dan menyapu potret Rosmah membangkitkan lagi kemarahan rakyat yang bertamaddun dan mengukuhkan lagi PERPADUAN MELAYU.

Buktinya pada 16.9.2015 ini akan ada perhimpunan yang dinamakan sebagai perhimpunan RAKYAT BERSATU di Bukit Bintang. Itulah harga yang terpaksa dibayar oleh BERSIH 4. Kalau mereka boleh berhimpun kenapa tidak RAKYAT BERSATU.


Anonymous said...

Cina pijak Melayu sebenarnya lagi bagus dari Melayu makan Melayu,saudara makan saudara atau kawan makan kawan. Sebab ianya straight to the point. Tak perlu belit-belit.

Anonymous said...

takut dengar komen anon di atas ni,sampai tahap macam ni dh pemikiran kite org melayu..

Anonymous said...

Tahap pemikiran camni ada punca adanya org mcm Najib jugak. Dia sendiri pun belit belot. Sampai ada yg ckp ni ketuanan melayu. Ni ketuanan Najib bukan ketuanan melayu. Melayu org beradab, kalau bangsawan bahasa dia jaga. Org jadi biadap pasal dia jugak mentornya.
Nak tanya jugak apsal KBAB nak soal Tun M? Kenapa tak tarik Kit Siang, Guan eng dgn Mat Sabu sekali?

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