Bobby Fisher (1943-2008). Foto di awal 1970an dipuncak. Menjadi juara catur dunia yang pertama dari Amerika mengalahkan Boris Spassky juara catur Rusia pada 1972 ketika berumur 29 tahun.
Beliau tidak mahu mempertahankan juara dunia bila dicabar oleh Anatoly Karpov pada 1975 kerana ICF tidak bersetuju dengan syarat beliau. Beliau kemudian menghilangkan diri selama dua dekad dan menjadi eccentric.
Anatoly Karpov mengaku sangat rugi bagi dirinya bila tidak berpeluang berdepan dengan Bobby Fisher.
Sikap beliau yang anti Amerika, anti Yahudi walau berdarah Yahudi sebelah ibu menyebabkan dilucut kerakyatan Amerika. Iceland menerima Bobby Fisher sebagai warganegara ketika dipenjara di Jepun. Beliau meninggal dunia di Iceland pada 2008.
Beliau tidak mahu mempertahankan juara dunia bila dicabar oleh Anatoly Karpov pada 1975 kerana ICF tidak bersetuju dengan syarat beliau. Beliau kemudian menghilangkan diri selama dua dekad dan menjadi eccentric.
Anatoly Karpov mengaku sangat rugi bagi dirinya bila tidak berpeluang berdepan dengan Bobby Fisher.
Sikap beliau yang anti Amerika, anti Yahudi walau berdarah Yahudi sebelah ibu menyebabkan dilucut kerakyatan Amerika. Iceland menerima Bobby Fisher sebagai warganegara ketika dipenjara di Jepun. Beliau meninggal dunia di Iceland pada 2008.

Bobby Fisher masa muda. Foto 1960an. Mula bermain catur pada umur 6 tahun dan menjadi chess prodigy menjuarai banyak kejohanan catur Amerika. Menjadi pemain catur tahap Grandmaster ketika berumur 15 tahun pada 1958.

Bobby Fisher masa tua macam Leonardo Da Vincci ahli falsafah dan sains Itali abad ke 15. Foto 2008.

Garry Kasparov mantan juara catur terhebat dunia menziarahi pusara Bobby Fisher di Selfoss, Iceland pada 2014. Sepanjang hidup mereka berdua tidak pernah berkesempatan bertemu apa lagi bermain catur. Garry Kasparov menyesal kerana tidak pernah bermain catur dengan Bobby Fisher. Begitu juga seorang lagi mantan juara catur dunia Anatoly Karpov.
Ikuti luahan hati dan rasa terkilan Garry Kasparov terhadap Bobby Fisher yang berhenti bermain catur ketika berumur 29 tahun, segala kontraversi, harapan dan mimpi yang tak kesampaian, pembangunan catur dunia, nasib akhir kesudahan hidup Bobby Fisher di pekan kecil Selfoss, Iceland sila klik sini.
Bobby Fischer
Chess Player
Born: 9 March 1943
Died: 17 January 2008
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Best known as: The American chess champ who beat Boris Spassky in 1972
The first American ever to become world chess champion, Bobby Fischer was as famous for his personality quirks as for his genius. He grew up in Brooklyn, learned to play chess at age 6 and quickly became a prodigy; he was only 15 when reached International Grandmaster level in August 1958. He fought a memorable and tumultuous battle against the Russian chess champion Boris Spassky in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1972, beating Spassky in 21 games to become world champion. But Fischer was already a somewhat eccentric figure, increasingly reclusive and prone to haggling over minor points of lighting and other match conditions. He never defended his crown, refusing a 1975 match against the International Chess Federation challenger, Anatoly Karpov. The ICF awarded the title to Karpov and Fischer dropped from sight for nearly two decades. He resurfaced in 1992 to play Spassky in a multi-million dollar rematch in Belgrade, thereby defying U.S. sanctions against Yugoslavia. He won the match (and $3.5 million), but spent the next decade as a reclusive, cranky and somewhat mysterious figure who was regarded as a fugitive by American authorities. On 16 July 2004, Fischer was arrested at Tokyo's Narita Airport on a charge of trying to leave Japan without a valid passport. He was detained by the Japanese until March of 2005, when he was granted citizenship by Iceland and was deported to his new home country, where he died in 2008.
Extra credit: Fischer's books included Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (1966) and My 60 Memorable Games (1969)... The 1993 movie Searching for Bobby Fischer . The 2015 movie Pawn Sacrifice.
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