Tuesday, May 29, 2012

DAP Berjaya 'Brainwash' Sakmongkol Membenci Golongan Aristrokrat Dan Mamak Melayu

Dalam posting terbaru Sakmongkol sila klik sini sangat jelas dan nyata DAP berjaya "brainwash dan indoctrinate" Sakmongkol supaya membenci golongan Aristrokrat (bangsawan) dan Mamak Melayu.

Secara resminya WZWH kira DAP melalui Sakmongkol telah mencela Tunku Aziz bekas Naib Pengerusi DAP seperti berikut...

"UMNO is more suited to people like Tunku Aziz with his overrated sense of self-importance, natural entitlement and self-righteousness. UMNO and Tunku Aziz can’t operate in an egalitarian, democratic and proletarian setting. UMNO and Tunku Aziz are at home under the holy alliance of the bourgeois and aristocracy."

DAP juga melalui Sakmongkol telah memperlekehkan KeMelayuan Tun Dr Mahathir seperti berikut...

"There was a commentator who flays me for questioning the Malay credentials of Mahathir insisting Mahathir is a constitutional Malay. I am inclined to think the commentator who of course hides behind the overrated cloak of anonymity is of the same stock of Mahathir. Even among UMNO people, Mahathir has always been considered not Malay. Can Mahathir claim beyond 2 generations that he is of pure Malay stock? He can’t, can he? But I can. I can claim beyond 5 generations of Malay stock which makes me more Malay than Mahathir. I am not going to disengage myself from my view that Mahathir wrote the Malay Dilemma as a means to lay claim of being a Malay by making himself out to sound more Malay than the ordinary Malay."

Sakmongkol tidak belajar sejarah Tanah Melayu bahawa golongan Aristrokrat dan Mamak Melayu ini lah yang begitu berpengaruh membentuk politik yang ada pada hari ini.

WZWH bukan mahu mengagongkan golongan Aristokrat dan Mamak Melayu ini tetapi dalam mentadbir dan mengurus politik negeri-negeri mereka ini berpengalaman.

WZWH juga percaya pemimpin yang berasal dari 'Common Malay' pula boleh menjadi pemimpin hebat jika punya kualiti kepimpinan dan berpengetahuan luas.

Tapi bagi Sakmongkol yang tiba-tiba mahu menjadi pemimpin melalui DAP dan menyerang UMNO, DS Najib, Tun Mahathir, golongan Aristrokrat dan Mamak Melayu ITU TIDAK BOLEH DITERIMA OLEH MAJORITI MELAYU.

Sakmongkol jika mahu mengkaji susur galur salasilah Tun Mahathir perlu baca posting WZWH yang bertajuk The Other Side Of Mahathir's Blood: Why Mahathir Concealed? sila klik sini 


Ghab said...

Sakmongkol 's bombardment policies on Najib , Umno and now Dr Mahathir have failed to do anything except drive himself to the wall . He has failed to convert the Malays to join DAP's politics . He has not gotten the signal from the high priests of DAP to convince that he is opted for DAP' candidacy . About the only significant thing he has done is too condemning his own Malay-self and promoting Chauvinist DAP . By that , the begotten sons have returned to Umno basic struggles .To his mind he has done justice or otherwise .

His newly campaign attacks in against Dr. Mahathir and Umno are not working either.

He is winning talking to himself , but not enough to win the heart of the Malays because the Malays know how hypocritical he is and how barbaric he is . He is desperate to have an overwhelming margins to convince his DAP' s high order for having him the opportunity to be a candidate .

In turn , he is now a losing face to the Malays . His campaign attacks are utterly personal , calling named about Tun Mahadhir is a mamak and not a Malay . He called Tun Mahathir oxymoron and singlehandedly distorted the Malay culture . Sakmongkol forgets that he himself has punched his own nose . He forgets that Tun Mahathir is well respected Malay of our time , not only to the Malays but also to the non Malays . It is unbecoming of him for hitting the Malay below the belt . It is not a Malay culture and he has not been able to level the attacks because he is defined himself of a typical-cultured Oxymoron .

He is even losing the foothold from the members of DAP as well as the Malays on the whole , while trying hard to demagogue them . His campaign has spent more time criticizing the Malays in Umno . He said , he will continue bashing Umno to destroy the myth that Malays must depend on Umno . Depending on Umno is not a myth , Umno is a Malay political party in reality . The members of Umno depend each other in comradeship to uphold their existence , their belief , struggle and political sustainability . Dammed right ! it is not a myth . He also said , he will continue bashing Umno because they are now in power . A DAP's convert is in the making for self-powered .

In a nutshell, Sakmongkol campaign must convince the Malays that Umno would be a worse option on being Malay than be Malays in DAP . He is running a campaign on the message of if you think I am a bad Malay , just look at Najib , Umno and Tun Mahathir ? A cheap message and it is not really a winning message.

The message that Sakmongkol received had tanished his Malay creditability . Further portraying himself that he is the ' Right Malay ' , because his surname is not ' bin ' Tun Razak , Tun Hussein Onn or Tun Mahadhir .

This is not good for the incumbent-opposition DAP .

Kampong man said...

I am in aggreement to Ghab's opinion that Sakmongkol in essence :

1) Miserably FAILED to entice Malays to be with DAP.

2) His desperate belittling and repeated personal attack on Tun Dr M and Najib is ungentleman and very unmalay.He destroy malay values in him and shows a bad examples to ever generally respectful and polite malays especially the younger ones.

3) Sakmongkol meager political exposure is nowhere close to Najib's vast experience. It is going to be an uphill battle for him through and through...with DAP it will even be rejected by the majority malays.

In short the " The square peg DAP malay just can' t fit into that rounded DAP " as i have said time and time.Where is that integrity and credibility huh..

Sorry Sak UMNO/ BN prevail ultimately.BN is for all Malaysians.Cheerio !

Cikgu Ngah said...

Assalamualaikum WZWH.

Sebenarnya Sakmongkol sudah menjadi semakin tidak relevan. Tulisan2nya yg terhasil daripada hati yg busuk dan penuh dendam telah menyerlahkan betapa tidak waras dan tidak stabilnya pemikiran beliau.

Beliau sekarang adalah seorang ahli DAP - parti yg memperjuangkan Malaysian Malaysia dan menganggap soal kaum dan keturunan itu tidak penting. Setiap kaum adalah sama di mata DAP (kononnya). Kalau tidak takkanlah Kim Kit Siang dan Kim Guan Eng pernah mempersoalkan kenyataaan Muhyiddin Yassin yg bhw dirinya adalah 'Malay first, and Malaysian second'. Malahan ada pemimpin DAP yg mahu mendaftarkan anak hasil perkahwinannya sebagai 'bangsa Malaysia'.

Tapi yg pelik dan tersangatlah ajaibnya tiba-tiba Sakmongkol begitu taksub mempersoalkan ke'Melayuan' Mahathir. Soal samada Mahathir itu Mamak atau Melayu bukanlah hal yg patut disibuk-sibukkan oleh seorang ahli DAP mcm Sakmongkol. Lantaklah Mahathir itu Mamak ataupun Pakistan sekalipun. Kerana yg penting Mahathir itu walau apa pun keturunannya, dia adalah seorang bangsa Malaysia, tak gitu Sakmongkol? Itulah yg sepatutnya kalau Sakmongkol sudah benar-benar jadi ahli DAP yg sejati. Sebagai seorang ahli DAP sejati, beliau jg tak perlu lagi sibuk-sibuk nak membangga-banggakan soal keturunan 'Melayu 5 generasi'nya kerana yg penting kita semua bangsa Malaysia! Ada lebih baik Sakmongkol menumpukan usahanya untuk meyakinkan Kim Kit Siang, Kim Guan Eng dan Kapral Singh untuk menghapuskan sekolah2 vernakular dan mewujudkan satu aliran sekolah kebangsaan daripada menghabiskan masa menghina keturunan Mahathir Mohamad.

Kalau ikut standard Melayu Sakmongkol, maka tak akan ada lagi kaum Melayu di Pulau Pinang kerana kaum jawi peranakan di sana tak akan boleh lagi digelar Melayu. Tak akan ada lagi mesyuarat UMNO cawangan yg dijalankan dalam bahasa Tamil seperti yg berlaku di Bahagian Tanjong. Atau mungkinkah Sakmongkol kini sudah menjadi sebahagian daripada 'grand mastermind' dlm usaha DAP utk menghapuskan orang Melayu di Pulau Pinang sedikit demi sikit?

Sakmongkol juga menyindir kebangsawanan Tunku Aziz yg disifatkannya lebih layak duduk dalam UMNO. Sakmongkol dari dulu lagi menyatakan bahawa dalam berpolitik, maka yg harus diutamakan ialah isu, idea dan kebijaksanaan. Tapi dlm isu Tunku Aziz ini nampaknya Sakmongkol lebih suka melakukan serangan peribadi daripada membincangkan isu2 pokok tentang demokrasi yg telah pincang dlm DAP. Nampaknya sekarang Sakmongkol sudah jadi lebih katak daripada Ibrahim Ali. Sakmongkol kata Tunku Aziz adalah orang yg perasan dirinya teramat penting dan betul sepanjang masa. Bukankah Sakmongkol juga semasa dalam UMNO perasan bahawa dirinya terlampau cerdik dan pandai, malah tidak ada orang yg lebih cerdik dan pandai daripada dirinya. Sebab itu Sakmongkol gila meroyan bila seorang peneroka dan bekas cikgu sekolah rendah lebih layak jadi untuk dikekalkan sebagai ADUN di Pekan daripada dirinya yg ada ijazah berjela-jela. Kalau ekor sendiri bergelumang tahi, tak payahlah Tok Sak nak sibuk dengan debu kotor orang lain.

Sekurang-kurangnya Tunku Aziz tak pernah gunakan kedudukannya sebagai kerabat diraja dan aktivitis sosial antarabangsa untuk melobi kerajaan bagi mendapatkan lombong besi, kawasan balak dan kuari. Tunku Aziz yg berusia 78 tahun dan pernah berkhidmat sebagai Penolong Setiausaha Agung PBB juga tak ada sebarang gelaran selain dari gelaran keluarganya sendiri. Tapi Sakmongkol terlampau berbangga dengan pingat 'Dato' nya itu sehinggakan bila ada orang yg cadangkan supaya Sultan Pahang tarik balik pingatnya, dia jadi gila meroyan tak tentu hala.

Wahai Sakmongkol, gilakah kamu?


Anonymous said...

Sakmongkol patutnya tak usahlah attack peribadi orang orang hebat macam Tunku Aziz , Mahathir dan Najib.Kan dah terbukak termelang yang dia punya diri pun tak seberapa hebat, jangan perasan pula Kalau dalam peperangan orang yang kianat macam ini di hukum berat tau. penghianat !!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone assume Sakmongkol is Malay? Just take a lok at him from every physical perspective. What does he look like? Malay? Indian? Senoi Praak? Or what? I don't for one think he's Malay at all.

A malay of his 'standing" wouldn't denigrate others the way he does. Have you heard Tungku Aziz, Tun M or Najib say things that Sakmongkol has said? I guess only a person unsure of his own ancestry would do that to other Malays.

The only thing anyone can say about him now is he's trying his level best to suck up to the DAP. He's burnt his bridges, probably lost all the wealth he gained while in UMNO and is now looking to DAP for his own salvation. I say good luck to him.

I believe many people have lost any respect that they may have had for him!

Anonymous said...

Betul betul betul kata Upin dan Ipin orang melayu sudah hilang kepercayaan pada orang macam Ariff Sabri dan Anu- war.Ada juga melayu bodoh rupanya.

Quiet Despair said...

MasyaAllah, Uncle Arif dah tak arif. Semacam hilang akal. Dah hilang punca.
He forgot where he's coming from.
Macam dah lupa dia dulu bukan main mnejulang tinggi PM kesayangan kita Tun M.
Sekarang menghina dia dengan membawa keturunan Mamak. If his father is a Keralan descent, so what? Ibunya Wan Tempawan anak Kedh jati, keturunan Wan Mohamad Saman.
Sak yang bangga 5 keturunan Melayu mulia sangat ke?
Ini yang cakap give a chance to LGE, Nizar, Azizan, Khalid semua tu cakap orang sewel.
Because of the chance LGE, Azizan, Khalid all became the MBs and CM. Nizam the loser lost it.
But in three short ears, they blew their chances. They did not perform well.
If Sakmongkol cakap, give a chance to be PM, eh sorrylah. Tak nampak how the people he mentioned can even get near.
Samongkol memang tak boleh pakai lagi.
And who gave him the licence to insult Tengku Aziz.
I gaze at my crystal ball and I see Sak and side-kick Aspan will be saying the same thing as Tengku Aziz.
In the not so distant future. Mark my words.

dinoscots said...

Tunku Aziz said " I never asked to be appointed a senator.when i joined DAP i asked for nothing.Nothing was was promised,nothing was asked and nothing was given and nothing was taken.And of course now,the opposition is using their stanard script.if anyone says something they disagree with,they have been bought over."

"When it matters when that freedom of speech was put to test the racist DAP has miserably FAILED ! " he said. Tunku was being punished for that dissenting views on Bersih 3.Yes ,all of us want a fair and a just election, a level playing field but please do not hijack Bersih 3 for cheap political gain to move masses into hating the government like that happened in the arab countries .

The planned Malaysian Spring did not work unfortunately .Thank god.The Pakatan supporters were being IRRESPONSIBLE. PR will pay a heavy price in PRU 13 for creating the havocs,uneasiness to business community and the general public .As for sakmongkol he will continue to be not relevent politically after the election when Pakatan is rejected and failed to secure seats like 2008.His faith will be like what racist DAP do to the respectable Tunku Aziz.Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

skan bAku kagum dengan komen komen diblog Wan ni.Mereka nampak intelek sikit bandingkan di blog Aspan dan sakmongkol yang banyak merapu dan memaki hamun dengan kata kata yang menyakitkan hati.Teruskan berdiskusi dengan baik.

Dengarnya ketua penerangan PKR Pahang Cucu Mat Kilau yang keluar PKR tahun lepas sudah tidak mahu bermain politik lagi.PKR Pahang dan di Jerantut ni elok tutup kedai ler.Hasil pertemuan Zulkifli Nordin dengan beliau memberi ilham pada beliau PKR tidak memperjuangkan Bangsa,Ugama dan Islam. Alhamdulillah.Allah tunjukkan jalan yang benar bukan jalan yang di tunjukan Anuar.Syabbas
CMK.Pahang tolak PKR dan DAP dan Sakmongkol.

Anonymous said...

Sebenornya Sakmongkol tak tahu bahawa Mahathir tu ada darah keturunan Mat Kilau. Arwah Tok Ngah Mahathir adalah dua pupu pada ayah Mat Kilau. Arwah Tok Ngah Mahathir ni telah datang ke Malaya dengan bot kecil setelah berlaku perselisihan keluarga dan terus berkahwin dengan orang tempatan.

Mahathir saje je tak nak kecoh2.

Anonymous said...

Satu perdebatan antara dua parti kaum Cina yang berpengaroh DAP dan MCA akan diadakan awal July ini antara Maharaja Lim Guan Eng dengan Presiden MCA Chua Soi Lek.Dimana letaknya Sakmongkol disini ?

Amat Nisfu : Di kelentong nya kah ?
Di lombong alkuari/balak kah ?
Di al Pulus DAP kah ?
P.Ramli. :Belalang..belalang Pulus...Pulus.!
Amat Nisfu. : Ya betul Pulus.Betul jawapan tu!

Di petik dari Hakayat Nujum Pak Belalang.

Quiet Despair said...

So Sakmongkol, what have you to say on the latest expose by RPK on Azmin's alleged corruption?
RPK claimed to have received the secret file on Azmin's corruption 17 years ago.
And Anwar directed the then ACA not to open the file.
So much for kleptocracy and corruption in UMNO , ya Mr Sa?
But of course we will not hear a word from you on this.
Actually, what RPK is exposing has been known by all. It has been exposed by Ummi Hafilda, Ezam, Nalla, Zaharin and all ex-friends of Anu-War.
Semua tak percayalah. Tapi dengan RPK adalah yang akan percaya. Dan sejak RPK tidak lagi dalam komplot Pakatan, adalah yang sinis dan tentu menuduh konspirasi UMNO.
Hahaha, Tuhan tu kaya. Tembelang Anu-war dan kuncu-kuncu semakin hari semakin pecah.
Aisayman frust menonggeng Sakmongkol yang gah canang UMNO's days are numbered.
Sekarang mana nak letak muka?
Plan nak jadi PM semakin malap.

Anonymous said...


Bagaimana dengan Hari Belia di Putrjaya. Dengarnya jutaan belia disana .Belia memberi sokongan padaBN kerana yakin dengan Najib.Di Selangor hari Sambutan belia tak sampai pun 60 orang.Apa nak jadi dengan PR ni. Aku rasa Selsngor, Perak dan Kedah pasti ditangan BN dengsn mudah disebabkan belia.

Saifudin Nasution PKR memang pandai buat mcm mcm fitnah tuduh sini tuduh sana bankrap isu.Padan mukaSaifudin, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar buat laporan polis salah fakta.Aku tak faham banyak sangat fitnah PR ni.Tapi bagus kerana banyak tolong UMNO.Rakyat naik mual dengsn tuduhan kosong PR kan ?

I think you ni mamat handsome gamaknya .Ramai tertunggu QD diblog Aspan dan Sakmongkol.Tapi Sakmongkol tak gentleman .Mana yang pro UMNO dia delete.Itu sebab banyak pro-BN tak minat nak campur.Chik Gu Ngah,Kampungman,Ghab dan banyak Anons tidak ada kat sana.Aku rasa BN mudah dapat 2/3 .My father is waiting for his BR1M2 yang RM500 tu pulak horey...!kesian ksmi kat bendang sawah di Kedah ni.

Quiet Despair said...

Salam Mr Anon 8.23 am

The Perhimpunan 2 juta belia was a very successful and purposeful gathering of youths. There was good clean fun and many things to learn beside the enjoyment.
There was a feel good atmosphere
with happiness and peace, unlike Bersih 3.0.
The youths were all one with our PM and we showed it when we sang Stand By Me. Bohonglah cakap Pakatan yang bangga belia anti BN.
Saya menulis tentang ini dan juga response dingin terhadap perhimpunan sama yang dibuat Pakatan di Selangor. Tapi of course Sak delete sebab saya banyak menghentam tentang DAP nak jadi PM dalam posting tu.
However Aspan dan Wenger Khairy ada menyiarkannya. Tapi posting kepada Sak lebih menyengat.
Happy that your father got the BR1M. I am sure Sak's father (maaf kalau dia dah meninggal)pun turut happy mendapat sumbangan murah hati kerajaan.
Kalau kita melihat reaksi gembira rakyat menerima BRIM dan juga voucher buku serta bantuan RM100 sekolah kita tahu mereka amat menghargainya. Cuma Sakmongkol saja yang tak suka. LOL.

P.S. Ahmen, saya handsome sebab saya darah campuran. Mujurlah Anwar tak pernah jumpa saya. Kalau tak jadi ulam dia, as said by my pals.Hahaha.Nauzubillah.

Anonymous said...

a short note to QD... au contraire mon cherie, the way you write is definitely female.

Quiet Despair said...

I wish I am la belle. Your cherie amour. But I am all hunk with hairy chests. And I must say I am handsomer than some girls. And my wifey of four months is very jealous.Hahaha. When it comes to getting girls, I am never despairing.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with WZWH when he wrote, "...DAP Berjaya 'Brainwash' Sakmongkol Membenci Golongan Aristrokrat Dan Mamak Melayu..."

please note that for "brainwashing" to occur, a thing called a brain is needed.

unfortunately, Arif Sabri was born without one!

but seriously, one has to sympathize with the Supermaladroit Arif Sabri.

but, then again, Arif can't help but be himself, a poor-excuse of a fat, ugly man devoid of any thinking matter.

Arif wrote, "...But I can. I can claim beyond 5 generations of Malay stock which makes me more Malay..."

Impressive... one would surmise.

But, why did Arif chose the names "Sakmongkol" and "AK47?"

One is Thai and the other is Russian.

So, where is the Malayness?

So, tuan2 & puan2, I put it to you, "Is a Malay without any pride of his Malayness, be considered a Malay to lead other Malays?"

Suckmongkol @ Arif is nothing more than a big, fat and ugly biaDAP Malay.

... more to follow (maybe)

Ghab said...

Forgive me WZWH for going to state the following annotation with a touch of animosity . It is about this bloody extraordinary species-being named Sakmongkol again . A disoriented Muay Thai fighter who claims his line of descendants are traceable for more than five generations of Malay lineage . His approval , that he is more Malay than Tun Mahadhir .

That goes to Aspan Alias too , a born and breed Malay from Negeri Sembilan . He also claims that he is more Malay than Umno's Malay because of his audacious decision to join chauvinist Dap . He received a red carpet reception for his entry which he never got it from his 30 years in Umno . Above all , Dap recognizes that Aspan belongs to a prominent ' Suku ' as he recalls . Unfortunately , his once closed friends remarked , " Saudara kami itu tidak diterima lagi oleh Suku-Suku , tetapi saudara kami tu dah jadi puak ' tiga Suku "

By an archaeological findings this spices ( Sakmongkol ) has his biologically rooted heritage from the DNA of a Chimpanzee . Among the primates , Chimpanzee is a smart cookie but certainly not a clever one . A closed companion to human is circuiting around the DAP' s circus of political fame .

This shit head has no idea the meaning of multiple roles of an individual and the roles play in a society . Self-importance , natural entitlement and self-righteousness are sentiments for roles play . These sentiments exist in the proletarian and bourgeois environment if any , in the context of our Malaysian society by definition .

The closer definition are the higher brow and lower brow by economic earnings and behaviors of an individual in our society . Tunku Aziz roles exist in both of the brows with multiple roles play in realization . As for Tunku Aziz , he took the role to exit from DAP because DAP holds ideas contrary to his own interest . It has nothing to do or out of context of him being an aristocrat or a bourgeoisie .

This blockheads , Sakmongkol , is manufacturing into the production of ideas to alienate the Malays by his false consciousness . Certainly , it is not intelligent but a demonstration of BEBALISM .

I hate to bash out Sakmongkol , but I think I love it now .


Anonymous said...

Suck47 is caught in a classic Catch 22 situation.

Suck47 is a nobody and is furious that the UMNO big-wigs haven't paid him the slightest attention.

Suck47, using what he presumed to be his brain, decided to live out the motto, "If I can't be famous, then I might as well be infamous."

This would explain his current inherent verbal diarrhea fixation with anything UMNO.

Suck47's sole intention is to elicit a response, even a word would suffice by Suck47's ill-conceived reckon, from any of the UMNO big-wigs.

Alas, none has been forthcoming... verily, Suck47 is a nobody.

And, this turns Suck47 into the incredibleSULK.

Anonymous said...

oh...one other thing...

Suck47 proved his brainless state of being, when he wrote, "...I once asked the Oracle of Syed Putera when will Tun Daim write his memoir. I was told that Daim told the Oracle that..."

Suck47's infantile attempt at name-dropping is, to say the least, pathetic!

Suck47 has been harping on this so-called Oracle of Syed Putar as though it is Suck47's Bible.

Now, tuan2 & puan2, read very carefully, ..."I was told that Daim told the Oracle that..."

The 2 "tolds" in the sentence tells the whole story... in that, it's just a figment of Suck47's ill-advised imagination.

Poor attempt at name dropping... it's of no wonder that this fat and ugly loser, Arif Sabri, is a nobody.

Anonymous said...


Kampong man said...

Anon 11.04,

I can confirm here that QD is certainly not a female as you suggest.Somehow i think i saw someone really handsome tall with hairy chest and established and refined looking hanging around at Bangsar Shopping Complexs ( BSC) and Cawan surrounded occasionally with some gorgeos ladies and i know it must be him yeah..?.I am sure. Now ,will the real QD stand up !! he..hee..

QD use to be Kampong man sparring partner and good buddy in Sak blog when Sak was in UMNO.But i lost interest in his blog because i think his writing has become like Rocket, Suara Keaadilan and Harakah and insensible and dometime illogical full of fantasies and dresms ,if you know what i mean.I won't buy his argument no more.

Nevertheless, on a serious note ,i really cant see how this WEAK PR can ever smell Putrajaya at all despite those spinning by the alternative media becsuse the silent Rakyat is watching their dirty tactics. The latest of course being that stupid comment from that puppet Nizar on His Highness Sultan Johor bidding that WWW 1 plate.What is he trying to prove ?.Trying to redicule the Institusi Raja ? Dismantling ?.Memalukan sabagai saorang Melayu ! He has no business to be meddling with the Sultan of Johor whatever he is trying to prove.He sucks !! He should be brought to justice and face the music unless he can provide evidence that wang rakyat is being used.Good luck Nizar.

Anonymous said...

"Kuching saya mati- saya salahkan UMNO "

Bagitulah sikap Pakatan Rakyat menyalahkan UMNO dalam semua hal.Jelas mereka tidak punyai isu sendiri untuk kebaikan rakyat.

Sakmongkol ? siapa mamat ni ?

Quiet Despair said...

Salam Kampong man

Thanks for the kind words. Oh-oh my cover is gonna be blown! Yes, that is my stomping place. Like the mafias say my kawasan.
Where the beautiful people meet, hahaha.
Remember I told Sakmongkol I saw him and gang at Mahbob Restaurant nearby. But we were already in the car.
He confirmed it and said wished we had met.

Yes indeed, Nizar the motor-mouth is really running his mouth. Mulut take lesen.
Remember the allegations he made that Najib is planning an emergency rule with the army if BN lose.
And then he shamelessly trespassed into UMNO ceramah but UMNO was kind enough to welcome him. If UMNO man will to do that, dah kena belasah by Pakatan man.
What's with this guy? I think he knows he can not recapture Perak. And if Pakatan wins DAP will be MB.
This moron forgot it was Tuanku Sultan who helped him be MB.
Now that police reports have been made, barulah terhegeh-hegeh mintak maaf.
If you know where he's coming from, you will know where that kurang ajar came from.
Nizar is better at building bridges and by-ways and highways. He can apply to bid some of Najib's ETP projects. Not politics!
And that Pakatan crown prince and King are in deep shit. Police reports have been made.
Last night on TV3, all of Anwar's former friends and now sworn enemies all said we told you so.
They want MACC to re-open the file. Many NGOs have made police reports.
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat....

Ghab said...

Dear Bro Kampong Man and Wzwh yang bahagia ,

Thank you for confirming our brother QD is not a female . I always imagine QD is a woman , I mean Woomann ! Like Sarimah when she was at her 30s caret gold , hey hey just being chicky !

Hongky tongky chested man will drive our Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim away .... Selamat lah QD for moment . Our Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim apabila kehabisan stocks Kunyit dia , yang berbulu tangan pun dia boleh , ingat Dr Munawar Anees ! never underestimate Anwar brothers , hey hey just being a little nasty !

Hope to bump into you Kampong Man , God knows when ? over coffee at Bangsar or somewhere in Jerantut or maybe near Sakmongkol's Den . It be nice if QD could be around to join us since his cover is almost blown . We can easily know each other by our same and speedy wave lengths .


Anonymous said...

Wow Che Wan..

All Sak AMNO Follower in your Blog..ha ha ha.

Nampaknya Cerah mase depan aok yer..ha ha ha.

BDW, Dato Sak is angry with Najib and His Punasihat and punaisihat seperti Tuan Wenger post dulu...But kat Pahang nih teman wase susah gak dia nak menang..pasai AMENO Pahang tak Banyak Keling sebagai Ahlinya....ha ha ha.

BDW..QD, that 2 million youth yang datang tu agak-agak boleh menggundi ke idak???? ha ha ha...Jangan sebok Berkompang tapi tak sedar rotan ikat tangga dah kena tetas...ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:35 ialah contoh utama penyokong Suck47 & DAP.

Tahap pemikirannya amatlah menyedihkan.

Bak kata pepatah ingeris, "birds of a feather, flock together."

Kalaulah aku jadi pehak pembangkang, dah lama aku pencen.

Malu besar kalau penyokong2 aku macam Anon 5:35 ni.

Nak kata bodoh tu kurang betul, kerana lagi terok daripada itu!

Jadi, tuan2 & puan2 sekalian, sila reka satu perkataan baru yang maksudnya lagi terok dari bodoh.

Bagi saya, pada hari ini perkataan itu adalah Anon 5:35.

Anonymous said...

Tidak apa yang boleh kita pelajari dari DAP.Sayang Sakmongkol blog is rotten dengan kutukan pada UMNO sahaja .Sepatutnya parti Cina DAP ni berbahaslah dengan MCA.Umpamanya debat LGE VS CSL. Tolong bagi tahu saya 10 kerusi DAP vs. UMNO ?

Wan, Jangan gaduhlah dengan Pahang , confirm BN, tak gitu.Pedulikan melayu sumbang tu.

Quiet Despair said...

Anon 5.35pm

Jealous nampak kat WZ. Yep, he has more comments than Sakmongkol. Look at the quality of commentators there. Pathetic. Selain dari memuja, nothing to contribute. My brother in Junior High Schoolpun boleh tulis macam tu.
Gamaknya andapun dari sana. Tapi terliur pulak nak kacau daun tengok kita orang bahagia kat sini.
The beauty of WZ's blog like other UMNO bloggers is they accept criticisms. You kutuk diapun, dia publish.
Lawak sungguh you penyokong parti demokratik yang tak demokratik.
And you dont have to insult youths of today. They are so much aware of politics.
They are interested in what is it for them and they know the best bet is UMNO.
Apa yang aok risau sangat tentang Pahang? SEDEI je. (For non-Pahangnites it's mean easy).

Kampong man said...

Anon 5.35 atau Anon BDW ni Dari blog Aspan dan Sakmongkol.Kita layan saja dia dengan baik disini,tak ada hal. Freedom to express your opinion exist here that makes us a lot happier here though the blog is meant really for WZ Jerantut but we do get some differing political views here.Good one WZ !

Pahang ni besar and very exciting banyak lagi potential and most importantly the PM is from Pahang even for the next five years I forse, membuatkan Kampong man orang Melaka jealous dan envy ni !!

Masa muda muda awal tahun 80 Han dulu pernah juga Kampong man supervise kerja di BREDERO PRICE pipe plant coating bagi pihak ESSO Malaysia ,EPMI for offshore requirement.The new highway to Kuantan
makes journey comfortable and a lot safer and you can plan your timing better.Dulu jalan ke Kuantan from KL ni problem sikit dengan lori balaknya with no dual carriageway.Alhamdulillah Pahang kini maju Ada Gambang Water resort cukup untuk anak anak mandi di
cuti persekolahan dan the drive from Kuantan to KT the
coastal road is such a pleasure to slowly drive. Driving through the scenic kampong by the sea,very laidback and unhurried .A joy !

Tak boleh puji lebih sebelum QD ,Che Gu Ngah ,WZ dan rakan saya dari Pahang terangkat.Tapi itu realitinya Pahang my favourite choice for beach holidays .With Najib PM to be for the next five years it will be more to come for Pahang,envy lagi saya !!

Salam pada semua orang Pahang.Hangpa hebat !!

Kampong man said...

Anon 5.35 atau Anon BDW ni Dari blog Aspan dan Sakmongkol.Kita layan saja dia dengan baik disini,tak ada hal. Freedom to express your opinion exist here that makes us a lot happier here though the blog is meant really for WZ Jerantut but we do get some differing political views here.Good one WZ !

Pahang ni besar and very exciting banyak lagi potential and most importantly the PM is from Pahang even for the next five years I forse, membuatkan Kampong man orang Melaka jealous dan envy ni !!

Masa muda muda awal tahun 80 Han dulu pernah juga Kampong man supervise kerja di BREDERO PRICE pipe plant coating bagi pihak ESSO Malaysia ,EPMI for offshore requirement.The new highway to Kuantan
makes journey comfortable and a lot safer and you can plan your timing better.Dulu jalan ke Kuantan from KL ni problem sikit dengan lori balaknya with no dual carriageway.Alhamdulillah Pahang kini maju Ada Gambang Water resort cukup untuk anak anak mandi di
cuti persekolahan dan the drive from Kuantan to KT the
coastal road is such a pleasure to slowly drive. Driving through the scenic kampong by the sea,very laidback and unhurried .A joy !

Tak boleh puji lebih sebelum QD ,Che Gu Ngah ,WZ dan rakan saya dari Pahang terangkat.Tapi itu realitinya Pahang my favourite choice for beach holidays .With Najib PM to be for the next five years it will be more to come for Pahang,envy lagi saya !!

Salam pada semua orang Pahang.Hangpa hebat !!

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