Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bila Orang Cina kata 'Oracle of Syed Putra' Pungkor!


Ariff Sabri @ Sakmongkol AK47 selalu obses dengan figura 'Oracle of Syed Putra' dalam setiap posting blognya. 'Oracle of Syed Putra' dikatakan suara Daim Zainuddin.

Kepada Sakmongkol AK47 dan penyokong DAP kata-kata 'Oracle of Syed Putra' itu ibarat "God sent mantra of truth". Mereka perlukan motivasi dengan membaca posting cerita 'Oracle of Syed Putra'.

"He said the Chinese voters should realise that Malaysia, being a multiracial country, cannot afford any risk of political instability.

Chinese voters should look at things from the Malaysian perspectives as all issues are Malaysian issues.

The electorate must know that no government is perfect, and the longer the government stays, the more mistakes it makes, and the Pakatan is no exception.

The Chinese voters should vote in the interest of the country and not based on sentiments, which is a very dangerous move.

Some 80% of the Chinese voters have already decided to support the Pakatan, ignoring all the efforts of the BN. The bottomline is, they support the opposition.

"To me, this is an emotional decision. You cannot say, 'no matter whether you (the government) are good or no good, all I want is to topple you'."

Orang Cina tidak happy dengan 'Oracle of Syed Putra'. 'Oracle of Syed Putra' pungkor!

If not, Sakmongkol AK47 might want to declare the position of Oracle of Syed Putra vacant. Perhaps Sakmongkol might want to look for a more reliable Sifu of Petaling Street for his least skewed political vision. Who can introduce him to the learned non-racial sifu?

P/S : Pungkor is Jerantut slang meaning a liar.


Anonymous said...

Patut la orang kata hang ni sekolah tadika. Copy paste posting orang pastu buat conclusion sendiri. Rugi la gomen hantaq pi mengaji jauh-jauh, baca orang putih senang lagu tu pun tak paham.

Anonymous said...

WZ ni bukan tak pandai..pandai orangnya..kalau tak masakan dapat pergi belajar oversea. Lepas tu sambung MBA lagi.

Anonymous said...

Malu..Malu....posting tuan nampaknya ada nak balas dendam ke?? tapi jalan ceritanya nampak ketidak cerdikan tuan...

Anonymous said...

Tak payah tulis la wey... nampak macam orang bodoh je.
Macam ini kalau jadi pemimpin Malaysia conform 100 tahun lagi Malaysia tak progress.
MBA pooooraaaahhh!

gasing toyang said...

Untuk pengetahuan Anom2 semua.saya dengan wzwh sama belajar di oversea.masa tu saya dah mengenali beliau dengan penulisannyA di u kat sana.anom anom semua mana pernah belajar kat oversea tu sebabnyA tak faham dengan ayat yang ditulis.bahasa ringkasnya dema bodo minda.

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