Thursday, March 29, 2012

UMNO Needs Political Process Reengineering (PPR)

Business process reengineering (BPR) began as a private sector technique to help organizations fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to dramatically improve customer service, cut operational costs, and become world-class competitors. 

A key stimulus for reengineering has been the continuing development and deployment of sophisticated information systems and networks. Leading organizations are becoming bolder in using this technology to support innovative business processes, rather than refining current ways of doing work. 

Not surprisingly, BPR has captured the interest of UMNO, which are faced with an urgent need to reduce costs and improve service to the Malaysian public.

This Political Process Reengineering is designed to help leaders review political process reengineering projects in a Putrajaya and States setting, determine the soundness of these efforts, and identify actions needed to improve the prospects for their success.

The nine major assessment issues in this theory deal with elements considered by experts to be stepping stones to successful PPR. These issues cover a wide range of activities, such as identifying customer needs and performance problems, reassessing strategic goals, defining reengineering opportunities, managing reengineering projects, controlling risks and maximizing benefits, managing organizational changes, and successfully implementing new processes. 

Taken together, the issues in this theory provide a general framework for assessing a reengineering project, from initial strategic planning and goal-setting to post-implementation assessments.

Part A: Assessing the UMNO's Decision to Pursue Reengineering 

Assessment Issue 1: Has UMNO Reassessed Its Mission and Strategic Goals?

Assessment Issue 2: Has UMNO Identified Performance Problems and Set Improvement Goals?

Assessment Issue 3: Should UMNO Engage in Reengineering? 

Part B: Assessing the New Process' Development 

Assessment Issue 4: Is the Reengineering Project Appropriately Managed?

Assessment Issue 5: Has the Project Team Analyzed the Target Process and Developed Feasible Alternatives?

Assessment Issue 6: Has the Project Team Completed a Sound Political Case for Implementing the New Process?

Part C: Assessing Project Implementation and Results

Assessment Issue 7: Is UMNO Following a Comprehensive Implementation Plan?

Assessment Issue 8:  Are UMNO Executives Addressing Change  Management Issues?

Assessment Issue 9:  Is the New Process Achieving the Desired Results?

These questions are posed to UMNO President and Executive Committee members to answer.


Anonymous said...

Tak perlu BPR/PPR.

Terus kepada "As-Is" ke "To-Be" process.

To-Be = PAS/PR

Masa dah suntuk dah..kita Fast-Track jee...

Anonymous said...


Membaca tulisan sdra kali ni, rasa nak tergelak sakan. Apakah TDM, Paklah, najib pemimpin-pemimpin sekolah tahap tadika je ke?

Antara ketiga-tiga pemimpin ni, TDM lah yang paling canggih pemikirannya dan yang paling cerdik. mengapa kawan kata begitu? Bijak tak bijak TDM, dari keputusan PRU 1990 dia dah tahu UMNO dah tak boleh harap kepada undi melayu di semenanjung, maka dia buat "fixed deposit" baru kat sabah.

Kalau sdra boleh fikir sampai ke BER, hangpa ingat dia tak pikiaq terlebih dahulu dari hang ke? Paklah dan najib pun cerdik. Mengapa mereka tak buat khususnya TDM.

Sebabnya tujuan asal UMNO Baru dulu lain dari tujuan UMNO yang ditubuhkan tahun 1946 dulu. sebab tujuannya lain maka apabila dah rosak, rosak pada strukturnya dah tak boleh nak buat apa-apa reeingineering lagi. Engineering yang boleh buat hanyalah demolition engineering je.

ps: tahukah tuan-tuan bahawa ketua bahagian UMNO penampang, sabah sekarang ini adalah seorang kristian bukan melayu? Namanya ialah JOHN AMBROSE!...macamana seorang bukan melayu bukan Islam boleh jadi Ketua bahagian UMNO Baru, sebuah parti khusus untuk orang melayu!

Anonymous said...

umno busuk hingga ke usus ---- tun dr. mahathir.

Anonymous said...

Salam WZ,
Aok cilok mana artikel ni. Pastu kopi pes.

Zain Sanggang

Anonymous said...

Mudah saja...UMNO tak perlu reengineering. Yg diperlukan, UMNO dibubarkan dan semua ahlinya (kecuali pemimpin yg rasuah dan hipokrit - munafik), masuk PAS. Jangan ingat PAS lekeh sangat. TDM dah iktiraf bahawa dalam PAS ramai ahli serta pimpinanya terdiri dikalangan golongan profissional. Cuba lihat para exco pemuda, ada beberapa org yg berkelulusan phd...Lebih dari itu, PAS sendiri telah melakukan islah (reengineering). PAS kini mula memahami politik realiti..berjuang demi kebajikan dan keadilan utk rakyat (seiring dengan tuntutan Islam). Tetapi malang, keadaan sebaliknya berlaku kpd UMNO. UMNO bukan 'move foward' tapi mundur kebelakang... Pemimpinannya tidak berfikir selain bagaimana mendapat harta rampasan yg bertimbun2..UMNO dah mula pandai guna agama semata2 untuk menyaingi PAS ....pemimpinya dah mula pandai pakai ketayap serta pandai bertakbir diceramah2...

Sekian drp Profissional Temin.

Anonymous said...

Aku ni bekas ketua pemuda cawangan umno, dilahirkan dlm keluarga umno tp undi aku sekalipun x pernah dapat kat umno. Pru13 ni pun ABU

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