Friday, April 5, 2013

PAS Takut Lagu Dikir Bo La Weii ...

Bo La Weii...
Bo La Weii...
Bo La Weii...

Kita pakat tukar...ko Barisan.


Anonymous said...

apa susah, tepak dio tadok gapo, lepas tu dia datang tempat kita, buat macam kampung laman sendiri, mula-mula kita bagi muka lama-lama kepala kita dia pijak

Anonymous said...

Ingat npk undi bn. Bila tgok video semakin kuat nak pas.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1156..., mung jange kecek lagu tuh. Sedaro ambo pong lamo doh netap kat sini. Kalu nok oyat sejarohnyo mungkin pendate hok mulo2 sampai di Jelantut atupon Kola Tahan Ulu Tembeling. Mung jange kecek lagu tuh, mungkin kito ni besedaro jugok. Biorko dioloh weh kalu nyo mene dio bule jago negeri Pahe ni apoko salohnyo. Marih kito pakat rama2 pakoh Pas. Pastu kito bagi reto Negeri Pahe luas nih samo rato...

Anonymous said...

Ingatkan umno hanya parti perkauman melayu je.....
tapi sesama melayu pun nak berdengki juga......

apa la nak jadi kalau cam ni....

Anonymous said...

Umno bkn saja racist tp tebal sifat bongkak sesama islam pun. Sedih.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:56
Kalau bukan Melayu datang dari negeri cina takdok gapo,lepas tu dia datang tempat kita, buat macam kampung laman sendiri, mula-mula kita bagi muka lama-lama kepala kita dia pijak,hampir 70% kekayaan Jantut dia sapu, itu Tak Apa. Ase jange oghe Melayu Kelate dapat sudoh.

Melayu Jantut

Kutukandewata said...


Anonymous said...

Kutukan Dewata
Setuju kah awak kalau wang royalti minyak Kelantan dikembalikan kepada yang hak?

Anonymous said...

Kelantan dah invade Jerantut ke?

Anonymous said...

Kutuk la org kel. Byk kami minoriti di kebanyakan parlimen di phg. Tapi bakal jadi penentu siapa yg menang. Tak cayo.? Kita test dgn undi pas di jerantut . Tgok bn boleh menang ke tak.

Anonymous said...

Faham tak umno bhw dgn dok kutuk org kel ni dia boleh menang. Kat pahang kami bukan perompak tapi pembangun negeri pahang. Kalau bukan kerana orang kelantan-ekonomi pahang milik cina je.

Kutukandewata said...

anon 4.04,
orang kelantan pun rakyat malaysia.saudara seagama dengan dengan aku.

kelantan layak dapat royalti minyak seperti pahang juga.jadi berundinglah dengan baik.dapatkan situasi win-win!

hidup melayu islam!!!


dulu ada ura-ura puak wan bertanding di dun tahan dan parlimen jerantut.orang jerantut hilir melenting marah.sampai keluar kata2 mana boleh 2 wan bertanding.ingat jerantut ni mak bapak wan punya ke?

kasar sungguh puak jerantut hilir ni.

singkap sejarah.mat jaafar dan doktor shukri dua bersaudara bertanding bukan di dun sendiri.mereka kacau dun tahan dan dun pulau tawar.ada orang marah dan kisah?

berita terkini ramlan harun comfirm bertanding parlimen jerantut.ahmad nazlan pulau tawar.

aku nak tengok puak jerantut hilir melenting atau tidak bila semua saudara mara mereka bertanding.

jerantut ni mak bapak gintong punya ke???habis pupu poyang gintong sapu.

orang lain tak boleh kena puak dia boleh pulak.

untuk makluman pembaca semua.peti undi sebelah gintong,tebing tinggi,bukit genting tak pernah menang bn sejak dulukali lagi.

tapi orang2nya gila kemaruk nak kan jawatan dalam parti baik ajk bahagian mahu pun calon pilihan raya.

kalau melampau sangat perangai puak ni di sokong pulak oleh pucuk pimpinan gila babi maka petanda awal bn jadi pembangkang sudah terang lagi bersuluh.

tak pru kali ini mungkin pru 14.percaya lah cakap aku ni.

Kampong man said...


Dari segi legalnya Kerajaan Kelantan TIDAK LAYAK menerima wang Royalti minyak berdasarkan definasi sempadan pengeluaran minyak adalah diluar kawasan hak negeri.Ini telah banyak diperbincangkan.Minyak yang ada di MTJDA adalah hak bersama kerajaan Malaysia dan Thailand dalam satu kawasan bertindih di sempadan kedua negara dan diushakan bersama.Harap maklum.

Anonymous said...


Kala tak layak.......
matnya dapat Wang ehsan????


Jangan pangkah dacing weh deme

Anonymous said...

Kampong Man,
Dari segi legalnya Kerajaan Trengganu dibawah pentadbiran Pas TIDAK LAYAK menerima wang Royalti minyak berdasarkan .......( fill in the blanks )

Kerajaan Trengganu dibawah pentadbiran UMNo dari segi legalnya LAYAK menerima wang royalti berdasarkan ..........( fill in the blanks)

Kampong Man, you are a disgrace to the rakyat of Kelantan.

When Sadam Hussain was about to be defeated during his invasion into Kuwait, he burnt most of the pipelines in Kuwait. The Americans and Kuwaitis will never tell you why Sadam did so. Perhaps you care to explain the word deviated drilling, which Sadam so despise.

Loic Le Sache

Kampong man said...

My dear Loic Le Sache,

This issue of Oil Royalty KM has explained at length in this blog in the past please read them back my boy.

Deviated drilling was explained as well in that DAYUS blog Pirates of Putrajaya SWK, a PR blog.POP as usual ultimately close his blog for attempting to confuse BN supporters.All thanks to that TAMBI.Let me give you a clue .Why do you think the oil and gas produced are landed in Kerteh and not Kota Baru ?.You need to pay toll for transpassing, no ?.

KM ,Your O&G sifu.Good night.

Anonymous said...

Najib has asked Petronas to look into the oil royalty issue again .The 20% royalty as proposed by PR is a figure without basis.No wonder they (PR) will not be the next govt according to my kampong bomoh.Never know one day oil and gas may be found found in Kota Baru district like that one found in Sarawak Miri first well.For now just enjoy the wang ikhsan from the Federal government until dec8ded otherwise by the court.Happy ?

@ Kampong man

Anonymous said...

Cari helah tak bagi. Jgn berbelit le. Jgn pangkah dacing.

Anonymous said...

Dacing senget sokmo. Umnongok.

Anonymous said...

Asal bukan umno. Asal bukan bn. Kita tukar.

Anonymous said...

undi rahsia.kau nak heboh kau punya pasal.ikut awoklah.

Anonymous said...

Kampong Man
Please explain why oil royalty to Trengganu govt were paid during UMNo's rule but stopped when Pas took over the state but later reinstated when UMNo won the state election. Could it be that the distance between these oilfields to the shores of Trengganu changes every time Pas wins Trengganu?

You are still a disgrace.

Loic Le Sache

Kampong man said...

Salam LL Sache,

The fact remains that there is NO oil found in Kelantan water by definition. The quantum alloation to Kelantan wang ikhsan was even more than the oil royalyty that if ever Kelantan deserved.

Believe oil royalties for Trengganu was translated into another form of wang ikhsan through Federal projects.There was possible mismanagement by the PAS govt that this money do not get to benefit the rakyat directly that it was not channeled directly.Lack of trust i gather.Look at the poor state of development in Kelantan now .Kelantan cant even resolve on a simple water issue and creation of employment oppurtunities.No wonder Kelantanese seek employment to many other states including many in Jerantut.Many have lost faith in the manner PAS manage a state.For Trengganu as for now JANGAN LAH menaroh harapan apa apa pada Pas/PR.Trengganu pasti hak BN tanpa ragu, insyallah.Masih tidak yakin dengan BN?.

Now, you tell us why you think Kelantan deserve the oil royalties LL Sache.Give us facts ok.KM awaits your response.

@ yesterday PM Najib launched projects at CYBERJAYA.There will be more shops and residences there than just a mere one kedai mamak hahaha.. .Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You said " There was possible mismanagement by the PAS govt that this money do not get to benefit the rakyat directly that it was not channeled directly.Lack of trust i gather." unquote

When UMNo ruled Trengganu, oil royalty was reinstated becoz there was NO possible mismangement by UMNo govt?? that it decided to channel directly to UMNo.

Kampong Man, there was this report about a govt loan of RM250 mil for a cow project given to the family of an UMNo lady minister of which the proceeds were used to purchase properties and expensive cars.

Now tell me, is it remotely possible that this RM250 mil loan will be mismanaged by one UMNo minister for the benefit of her family. Compare this to the rakyat of Trengganu or Kelantan whom you believe has no right to the oil royalty because they so chose their own govt.

Being a Kg Man, I suppose you have not heard the above report.

Much have been deliberated about the disputed nautical miles from Kelantan shores and I don't intent to elaborate here. But being an O & G sifu as you claimed, could you tell us the characteristics of slant drilling or oilfield directional drilling. And please, just answer the questions. Do not ' deviate ' like a driller does.

Loic Le Sache

Kampong man said...

LL Sache,

You have not answered my question on why you think Kelantan deserve the oil royalty yet.You have DEVIATED my question to deviated drilling which has no relevence to oil royalty.

In the first place the deviated/ slant drilling or whatever you or that non technical POP has raised once about this more than 10 miles deviated drilling long.This length of deviated do exist but not common possibly good for shallow water or even on land in USA due to cost reason.It is a new technology (long deviated drilling)that has NEVER been practised here that I know of for cost benefit related and unnecessary requirement in this country.For what ?Faham.

You and POP can get better educated if you care to goggle and find out yourself on such a basic characteristic of such drillung or go for basic drilling course out there.KM is a construction specialist and my parner ANC is a RESERVOIR specialist.We have at least 20 drillers working for us at this time so what no big deal.Dont wish to sound arrogant but for PRU we have to because I NEVER believe in PR govt.With DSAI it is not a PM material anyway.At least that is what Dr Sidik Baba said after he has gone through questioning and discovered it for himself and come out with a simple answer that DSAI has been proven morally WRONG and is not fit to lead the nation, period .Go and find out who this man Dr Sidik Baba.

Issue on mismanagement of NFC too has been discussed at length for political milege last year.We agree that it was a mismanagenent of NFC (That jambu Rafizi called it National Fishlot Corporation) due to initial operational problens .Mind you it is not a CORRUPTION issue as has been politically churned by PR.It was a loan given to NFC (a company not a political party) with lower or preferential interest rate of which NFC has to pay back and not free ok.It is now not a big issue anymore but it affect Shahrizat somewhat.Of course she will not contest in Bangsar /Lembah Pantai a place I lived for 17 years but not now.

Now, don't be lazy please answer my question and dont deviate like drillers do.Haha...

Anonymous said...

siapa berani kutuk pas kalau betul berani mari bertumbuk dengan aku

Anonymous said...

aku taknak bertumbuk dengan mu.aku nak bertumbuk dengan mahfuz omar!!!

bertumbuk dengan mu buat apa,jentik aje pun dah terbang!!!

Anonymous said...

nate podio beghani ngato ko parti isle

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