Monday, April 9, 2012

Adakah Sakmongkol AK47 Bersedia Menyokong Politik Perang Salib DAP?

DAP berbangga punya Sakmongkol AK47 Panglima DAP Melayu yang paling cerdik dan bergeliga pemikiran politiknya.

DAP sedang "mengindoktrinisasi" Sakmongkol AK47 supaya bersedia menyokong politik Perang Salib @ 'crusade' DAP.

Menggantikan tempat MCA ialah DAP yang hari ini bersifat Kristian evangelis dan Anglophile.

Mengimbas kembali kepada kempen PRU12, seramai 200 orang pastor daripada 40 buah gereja di Lembah Klang telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan calon-calon DAP pada 27 Feb 2008 — selang 10 hari sebelum hari membuang undi.

Dalam pada itu, kejayaan DAP mengatasi MCA boleh dijejak balik kepada sokongan yang diberikan parti itu oleh pihak gereja.

Dialog tersebut dianjurkan oleh National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) yang mana DAP telah berpeluang membentangkan manifesto mereka kepada orang Kristian menerusi saluran gereja. Delegasi DAP merangkumi Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua, Teresa Kok, Hannah Yeoh dan Dr Cheah Wing Yin.

Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan, perkembangan politik agama di kalangan pemilih Cina serta mereka yang beragama Kristian semakin menjadi-jadi.

Pola terkini ini pasti memberi kesan baru kepada hubungan kaum di Malaysia.

Misalannya pada bulan Disember 2011, Reverend Eu Hong Seng (iaitu pengerusi NECF, pertubuhan gereja Kristian yang mengatur pertemuan Guan Eng dengan Kristian pada Februari 2008 menjelang PRU12) telah menimbulkan kontroversi apabila beliau membayangkan bahawa Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan adalah bersifat “membuli” kerana melebihkan hak-hak satu kaum tertentu sahaja.

Sementara itu, Bishop Ng Moon Hing, iaitu pengerusi Christian Federation of Malaysia, mengkritik kandungan seminar yang diadakan untuk para guru Johor dengan bertujuan membincangkan cara-cara menangani “ancaman Kristianisasi”.

Seminar tersebut juga turut dikecam oleh seorang lagi biskop, yakni Bishop Paul Tan yang penampilannya seakan-akan seorang politikus pembangkang yang lantang.

Arus politik semasa kian hari kian menjurus kepada sistem dua bangsa. Keadaan menjadi semakin rumit apabila garis pemisah bukan sahaja di antara etnik yang berbeza tetapi juga di antara agama.

Sebelum ini, tidak banyak berlaku persengketaan yang bercirikan agama kerana MCA yang mewakili kaum Cina tidak bermain politik agama. Selama ini juga umat Islam jarang bermusuhan dengan masyarakat beragama Buddha/Taoisme atau pengikut ajaran Confucius.

Peningkatan kuasa DAP adalah hasil daripada mengeksploitasi rasa tidak puas hati penganut Kristian. Kaedah politik ini terserlah tatkala pilihanraya negeri di Sarawak pada April 2011.

Tidak dinafikan sesiapa tentang perangai evangelis yang agresif dalam kegiatan mendakwah.

Perangai politikus DAP pun sangat agresif juga dan ditambah pula puak evangelis mereka gemar bermuka-muka di masjid dan di kalangan khalayak Melayu yang mahu dipikat demi meraih sokongan.

Sikap agresif bercampur-aduk sifat pandai berpura-pura amat berkesan bagi membantu DAP menenggelamkan MCA kelak. Di samping itu, kemunculan isu-isu panas Kristian sebagai modal politik DAP akan menimbulkan persaingan sengit dengan ‘political Islam’ yang sedia ada.

Yang memimpin DAP sekarang ialah kelompok evangelis. Sejak politik Kristianisasi berakar-umbi, ketegangan di antara kaum dan di antara agama meningkat. Sebelum PRU12, peranan gereja tidak menonjol sepertimana sekarang.

Seminar guru di Johor baru-baru ini mengesan adanya “ancaman Kristianisasi”. Tidak ada mana-mana jabatan agama atau pertubuhan Islam pernah memberi amaran bahawa umat Islam menghadapi ancaman dakwah Buddhisme.

Pucuk pimpinan DAP masa kini sebenarnya Mat Salleh Celup dan Kristian. Pasti bukannya ‘Cina’ cauvinis! Bahkan Cina bukit dianggap mereka sebagai “low class”.

Harap-harap orang Melayu akan sedar bahawa DAP bukan membawa adab Cina. Yang ghairah berdemo, membuat protes jalanan, duduk bantah dan candlelight vigil hanya meniru kaedah berpolitik orang putih.

Sebenarnya ramai orang Melayu sedar yang DAP ini racist dan anti islam. Tapi Melayu PAS (yang kononnya kuat agama) dan PKR (yang kononnya sangat Melayu) pentingkan kuasa dan duit. Apa saja yang berlaku di Malaysia hinggakan terkentut dan terberak darah, BN la punca nya. 

Dulu (zaman Pak Lah) ramai yang suka mereka. sekarang ni, terang-terang orang Melayu benci mereka ini-DAP/PKR/PAS. Tapi untungnya ialah mereka tak sedar dan perasan bagus. Tidak mengapa teruskan anggapan itu kalau boleh hingga selepas PRU13.

Malaysian must never select politicians who are bankrupt of idea and only known for triggering racial sentiment. The type that is so familiar in Guan Eng. Instead of addressing genuine concern on Bayan Mutiara mosque site( which is a genuine concern), he turned around and accusing those who raised the issue as racist!


Yb Raz said...

lantaklah dap ni mat saleh celup ke, cina bukit ke,bukan cauvinis cina ke, tak bawak adab cina ke..orang melayu islam tetap wajib menolak dap.

Anonymous said...

Nampak gaya nya DAP akan makan mentah MCA kali ni..haaaa..haaaa hooo...hooo....Boleh start kira berapa kerusi DUN dan Parlimen MCA akan bertanding.

Anonymous said...

UMNO patut segera selamatkan kerusi MCA ni...WZ perlu jadi calon di DUN Damak. Kalau tak habis laa..DAP sapu ..

Anonymous said...

sokonglah bangsa sendiri.terima kasih..nanti leher dh kene pijak dek bangsa lain baru nak berjuang.poodah.guna akal yg sempurna tu utk bfikir.

Anonymous said...

Habis nak buat macam mana, nak puak tamak haloba yang langsung tak ada sifat amanah jaga negara?

Puak ni tak kisah rampas hak bangsa sendiri (royalti terengganu zaman PAS),

Woi zionis Laknatullah pun tak layan bangsa mereka macam tu.

Anonymous said...

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. Thomas Kempis

The wrath of the dork or the mischief makers takes position to gang up with the Chauvinists to damn and damp Najib ,Umno and the Malays .

Many turn up at WZWH 's Blog and want to know who is this Sakmongkol , the real named Dato' Mohd Ariff , a new born political-Pop Prophet of Pahang ? . Many are also curious that this Dato's Mohd Ariff bears a malicious mentality and who has been hammering the Malays below the belt . Najib is his punching bag for quite sometime . In the lawless environment and to the opponents of his wickedness he will be burned to ashes .

It would be good news to the Malays , who for several years have been subjected to steady drumbeat of damnation against their Islam , culture and custom , history , language and identity . The news be that Dato' Mohd Ariff will be nailed to the cross by his fellows DAP and blast him off to the unknown part of the Universe one day . He will be found imminently breathless in the arms of his fellows DAP .

If this is the case, why is that Dato' Mohd Ariff continuously conducting phycological warfare against Najib and the Malays ? Posting up his vigorous efforts to smear the cause of the Malays . Make no mistake , the existence of the Malay has its cause and legitimately stipulated . And yet persistently , Dato' Mohd Ariff is trying to brainwash the Malay by telling them that they have to be ' a free Malay ' . His meaning of free cum freedom is for the Malays to get out from Umno cocoon and join DAP , like he did . Who is this mischievous Malay from Pahang ?

The answer is simply with some interests , first he , the Pahang boy wants Najib destroyed . This is to badly weaken Najib's significant role in the making of Malaysia for better Malaysia which the underlined prerequisites are peace , harmony and progress . Second , Umno is to be destroyed and crushed . And as time goes by , his subtle understanding is to deface the existence and sovereignty of the Malays . That the Malay communities are erased in their own Tanah Melayu .

Leading the charge for an assault on Najib' s administration is again the legendary Muay Thai fighter Dato' Mohd Ariff equipped with AK47 . Behind him is the DAP political organization with an army of its supporters . The Chauvinistic policy activists who promote that the Chinese community has been marginalized whom Dato' Mohd Ariff has came to its defense and rescue .

How mischievous this Malay Pahang boy deceives the Malays !!

Anonymous said...

Aku tak kira TETAP ABU. Asal bukan UMNO (B) dan BN

Kampong man said...

Salam semua,
This is an apology.My good buddy ANC has requested that he be NOT quoted as he did not seek the publicity and wish to remain anonymous.Whilst that was not what intended i seek apology for this .Tq and kind regards.

Kampong man

bRAVEhEART said...

Salam bro,

Suck Mongkol tu orang kecewa, tag teamnya Aspan Alias pun sama. Mereka inilah sebenarnya sesumpah dalam politik..dimana ada makanan disitu mereka kekenyangan, kemudian akan meninggalkan majlis dengan caci-maki. Dlm blognya blogger Suck pun dah pandai maki-hamun...itulah wajah sebenarnya.....pemimpin melayu yang tak mengenang budi dan yang jadi alat asing untuk menjahanamkan bangsa sendiri.

Anonymous said...

Betul tu, sy dah beritahu rakan2 pejabat saya jangan pangkah DAP / PKR / PAS kerana mereka ini tak baik, suka kristian. UMNO / MCA / Gerakan bagus sebab mereka tidak suka kristian. Tapi rakan2 pejabat saya tak mahu dengar cakap saya. Mereka senyum saja.Mentang2lah dipejabat saya ada 3 melayu saja, driver, receptionist dan saya. Kalau saya bekerja diJerantut mesti budak2 ni dengar cakap saya. Benggap betul mereka ni.

Ghab said...

Jikalau tiga tiga perkerja Melayu awak hendak pangkak PKR , biar lah mereka pangkak . Tapi jangan lah mereka pangkak kerana mendengar fitnah Sakmongkol terhadap kerosakan Bangsa Melayu .

Kampong man said...

Bro 1.20 pm.
Maaf menegur.Kita tidak sesekali memusuhi Kristian.Apa yang harus ditentangi adalah mengkristiankan penganut Islam di Malaysia.Itu yang dibuat Hasan Ali di DUMC yang mendapat tentangan hebat PKR,PAS dan DAP sehingga Hasan, Exco Hal Ehwal Islam di singkir dari PAS kerana memperjuangkan Islam.Ini lah rupa rupa perjuangan Islam PKR dan PAS yang kita orang Islam harapkan bagi mengembangkan syiar Islam di Selangor khasnya dan di Malaysia am nya.Kita menghormati kawan kawan
Kristian kita dan sulaturrahim ini harus kita pupuk kerana kita rakyat Malaysia yang berbagai ugama.
(Quran Al-Kafirun).

Terserah pada tuan tuan memilih pada PRU 13
nanti.Kesinambungan BN sangat penting bagi meneruskan tranformasi Najib bagi semua RAKYAT Malaysia yang cintakan perpaduan ,keharmonian dan keamanan.Maka kita menolak PAKATAN rakyat yang mempunyai ideologi dan perjuangan yang banyak bertentangan dengan Islam dan Melayu.PAS tidak Ada tempt di Penang dan DAP tidak Ada tempat di
Kedah.Bagi BN semua bangsa dan agama ada punyai tempat di bumi Malaysia.Rekod 55 tahun BN memerintah melihatkan kemajuan ,perpaduan dan keharmonian yang amat dihormati di mata dunia.Apa kita masih mahukan DSAI sebagai PM.?

Kampong man said...

Wish to share this in your blog.It was in Sak blog on Oracle of Syed Putra.Thank you.


The spirit in UMNO/BN has been as strong as ever in fact stronger as they are better prepared from the alternative media onslaught that has been consistently spreading lies about the BN government effort for the Rakyat.I wish not talk here about those political,social and economic transformations that has been steadily ongoing now by BN.The BN machinery is in a ready state as i was told and now waiting for the signal from the boss for the final push.The fence sitters are observing and evaluating who actually deliver for them.The third force from the NGOs seems to be on the Govt side mostly, so are the civil service people and the pensioners as well. This is about the best time to call for an election the time when the PR is at their most vulnerable position. Having hardly less than a dozen Melayu in DAP does not help either. DAP need more Melayus to at least slightly change the mindset of the Malay voters in DAP favours ,so far there is a lot to be desired and DAP has failed miserably attracting Melayu.DAP is still not a multiracial party as claimed.

I look forward to what Daim is going to predict but his prediction this time around will be just as good as mine or for that matter anyone of us here.He is too busy making money in South Africa and elsewhere to be bothered to whatever happen in Malaysia politically .He has no feel of the Rakyat on the ground apart from what he hear and read.That is about all.I wont listen to his prediction anymore.I attended his lectures at Tun Razak lectures series University Tun Razak city campus last year. Must say i am not impressed.

The parasites in PAS are very much Anwarinas who would do anything to ensure Anwar be the next PM and the ulamak be put aside.The PR are without good leaders to lead them. In fact none are credible and acceptable by the coalition leadership so far.LGE insist on Anwar leadership and PAS said DSAI is morally at odd.What happened in Selangor by the PAS Hasan Ali is just one of the many issues of serious political ideological conflict within the Pakatan itself and certainly not the work of BN in Selangor.Why blame UMNO/BN for Hasan PAS doing.True enough PAS was shortchanged by PKR in Selangor. Shows the kind of respect or the lack of it to worthy partner within PR.How could PKR Khalid conveniently snatched that position from deservedly PAS ?.One can imagine the power struggle if PR secure Putrajaya !There will be nightmares for positions and power at the expense of the Rakyat.God forbid! The Rakyat do not need this learning curve and any power struggle.We need a Govt that is focus,stable and the experience to face the coming world economic crisis expected soon.We need the man who walk on water to assist,our valued menthor Yang Berbahagia Tun of course for that little tips on the arts of survival.I will ignore my bomoh this time and rely now on my Feng Shui master as the Year of the Dragon is the year of more prosperity ,success and strength he said.

As for Sabah and Sarawak didn't i said before it is a BN fixed deposits !Sak predictions is again without basis.Look back those 2008 results and the recent Sarawak poll and analysed diligently.Judging from this DAP blog i will agree as there is hardly any pro gomen people interested to be here.The DAP/PR people too here are dreaming of the white Christmas(Gilbert O Sullivan) my poor buddy QD and one or two others indeed has the gut to be here.The long Chinese new Year holiday has brought a lot of sanity for me and hence this quick thought before i doze off.Yes,as for Sabah I travelled frequently there to know this though i am not a politician.PR will be butcherd there believe me.The Sabahan and the Sarawakians have so much loyalty that we in Semenanjong lack.Taib Mahmud is the living proof no matter what you said against him .Another admirable leader ! Thanks folks and good night."

Cheerio !!

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