Saturday, August 14, 2010

Iran Lancar Loji Nuklear Pertama- NPP Bushehr

Iran lancar loji janakuasa nuklear pertamanya NPP Bushehr 1000MW pada 21 Ogos minggu depan. NPP Bushehr bernilai RM3.6 bilion ini dibina dengan kerjasama teknikal Rusia bermula pada tahun 1998.

Projek NPP Busheh ini telah dimulakan pada tahun 1970an oleh kontraktor dari German tetapi tergendala akibat sekatan "U.S. embargo on high-tech supplies" kepada Iran selepas Revolusi Islam Iran 1979 menyebabkan syarikat German menarik diri.

Projek ini sepatutnya siap pada tahun 2007 dan dioperasikan pada tahun 2008 tetapi tertangguh akibat kekangan kewangan. US dan Barat bimbang proses pengkayaan uranium boleh diubah menjadi plutonium elemen untuk buat bom nuklear. Iran menegaskan NPP Bushehr untuk keperluan tenaga elektrik rakyatnya dan NPP Bushehr dikawalselia oleh IAEA dan Rusia.

NPP Bushehr ini boleh direalisasikan kerana komitmen janji Perdana Menteri Rusia Vladimir Putin untuk memulakan NPP Bushehr musim panas ini. 700 jurutera Iran telah dilatih di Rusia selama 4 tahun untuk mengendalikan loji nuklear ini.

WZWH difahamkan idea projek loji janakuasa nuklear ini bermula bila Shah Iran Phalavi melawat Malaysia pada awal tahun 1970an berminat dengan idea NPP setelah melihat Agensi Tenaga Atom Malaysia di Bangi dan perbincangan sumber tenaga alternatif dengan Tun Razak.

Walaupun Iran negara pengeluar minyak, Shah Iran Phalavi nampak bahawa pergantungan kepada minyak tidak akan bertahan lama. Kerajaan Revolusi Islam Iran hanya menyambung idea ini.

TEHRAN, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi confirmed on Friday next week's launch of his country's first nuclear power plant.

"We are getting ready to transfer fuel of Bushehr Power Plant to the pool located near the heart of reactor next week," Salehi said as quoted by the official news agency IRNA.

He said the project will take seven to eight days.

The Russian Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom) said earlier in the day that the launch of the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran has been set for Aug. 21.

One day earlier, Bushehr nuclear power plant workshop Chief Mahmoud Jafari said that the main tests and inspections of the power plant had been successfully carried out during the last six months.

Salehi once said on July 7 the Bushehr nuclear power plant is to become operational in the Iranian month of Shahrivar (Aug. 23- Sept. 22).

Bushehr is located in one of Iran's hottest districts on the Persian Gulf coast. The plant construction started in the 1970s by several German companies, who pulled out following a U.S. embargo on high-tech supplies to Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Russia signed a contract with Iran to complete the plant construction in 1998.

The start-up date has been postponed for a number of times. It was originally scheduled for September 2007 but was delayed by serious financing shortage.

Russia has been helping Iran build the plant since the mid- 1990s. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had promised Russia would start up the reactor at the Bushehr plant this summer.

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