Friday, August 13, 2010

Ketua Menteri "Berfikir" Seperti Tok Empat!

WZWH suka tengok gelagat Lim Guan Eng, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang dengan 3 langkah "populistnya" Saman ekor, wang RM1000 warga emas dan WiFi percuma. LGE berfikir seperti seorang Ketua Kampung @ Tok Empat cara menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi negara.

WZWH rasa lebih baik LGE fikir bagaimana hendak tarik pelaburan yang menjunam sebanyak lebih 85% di Pulau Pinang. MIDA mensasarkan FDI akan masuk sebanyak RM40 bilion. LGE patut fikir macamana hendak tarik FDI ke Pulau Pinang dari jumlah RM40 bilion itu.

Walaupun tarikh pilihan raya umum akan datang masih diselubungi rahsia, DAP telah masuk gear pertama dengan memperkenalkan dasar-dasar ‘pro-rakyat’, sebagai langkah untuk memenangi hati para pengundi.

Dalam satu sidang media di ibu pejabat parti itu, Setiausaha Agungnya Lim Guan Eng berkata Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Pusat (CEC) telah mengambil keputusan bahawa para pemimpin DAP di seluruh negara harus memberi tumpuan kepada tiga dasar inisiatif utama untuk faedah rakyat, sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih kuasa.

"Pertama, kita akan memastikan saman ekor dimansuhkan kerana pemilik kenderaan yang nama mereka disenaraihitamkan, bukan sahaja tidak adil tetapi bercanggah dengan keadilan sejagat.

"Kedua, meluluskan RM1,000 seorang setiap tahun kepada warga negara berusia lebih 60 tahun sebagai tanda penghargaan terhadap sumbangan mereka kepada negara.

"Ketiga, untuk menggalakkan inovasi dan perkembangan bakat manusia dengan menyediakan wi-fi percuma di seluruh negara," katanya.

Sambil mendakwa langkah-langkah ini mendapat sokongan dari komponen parti Pakatan Rakyat yang lain, Lim bagaimanapun menekankan bahawa ini bukan langkah untuk mencari populariti.

"Langkah-langkah ini bukan langkah mencari populariti, (memberi wang kepada rakyat) telah dilaksanakan di banyak negara. Langkah ini menjadi amalan antarabangsa, malahan di Thailand," katanya.

Sejumlah RM2.1 bilion

Beliau berkata, kita akan mengagihkan sebanyak RM2.1 bilion kepada rakyat jika dasar pemberian RM1,000 setiap tahun dilaksanakan, walaupun langkah ini akan menimbulkan kontroversi.

"Orang akan bertanya, di mana kita memperolehi wang sebanyak itu? Tetapi kita harus berfikir berapa banyak telah kita hilang dalam bentuk rasuah setiap tahun, yang berjumlah RM28 bilion.

"RM2.1 bilion tidak sampai satu peratus dari jumlah itu……memberi wang kepada diri sendiri adalah salah, memberi wang kepada rakyat, tidak salah," katanya.

Beliau berkata, partinya akan terus memberi wang RM1,000 kepada warga emas "selagi Pakatan Rakyat terus berkuasa," katanya.

Bagaimanapun, beliau menafikan dakwaan bahawa langkah seperti ini adalah satu bentuk "membeli undi" kerana kita belum tahu bila pilihan raya umum akan di adakan.

Komen ramai rakyat yang menilai LGE:

If DAP needs to use tax payers money to offer freebies etc to win votes than it goes to show that DAP is bankrupt of ideas. Offering goodies etc can be matched by any political party. DAP should focus on the Earning the Trust & Respect of the rakyat by "Doing the Right Thing based on Justice, Equality & Pragmatism" Offer the Rakyat, Principle leaders & candidates who can touch the hearts of the common people & who believe in these virtues.

Lim Guan Eng, please, I so-freaking-beg-you, please stop pushing forward the free wi-fi provider. It does little to help the economy. Instead, focus more on capital finance, human and resource building instead. I laud your first two promises, but wi-fi does not help much in the economy. Reducing broadband cost is a better idea, as the broadband cost in Malaysia itself is unfavorably costly to even university students living in rent homes/apartments.

So I say again, focus on the economy. Provide space for local business to grow, with the exception of construction business as I can see hundreds if not thousands of empty shop lots unoccupied and left unattended. Its time to REALLY start listening to what the citizens of the grassroots have to say.

This is probably the best LGE is capable of. It is amazing to note that Lim Guan Eng still need the cheap publicity stunt of a welfare handout to shore up his popularity. Lim Guan Eng like to mingled with the crowd, taking photo shots featuring how grateful the senior citizens are when receiving welfare handout from him. The entire efforts are just a poor marketing construct aimed at shoring up Lim Guan Eng's popularity. It is most unethical for Lim Guan Eng to spend public money on cheap publicity.

There are more to it than just removing saman ekor (those who break the traffic laws should be punished), giving RM1,000 to the old/aged and free wifi throughout Malaysia. What about the economy? All the proposed sweeteners need money to implement, without concrete proposal as to improve the economy, such measures are just bribery to the voters.

LGE is talking nonsense. He promised Penang will be covered with wifi in 24 months. Its been 2.5 years now and there is hardly much coverage for his so called FREE wifi. Why does he not say if they are in PetraJaya they shall ensure that Malaysia will be made into a great nation and that its people will have a great future, by lining out all the strategies he will implement? He is the same as BN politicians ... they make SHAMELESS promises ... giving us CRUMBS only. They are all the same ... shameless politicians. BN or PR ... they only want PutraJaya, never saying how they want to uplift our lives as the Rakyat!

Ok, that's fine! But what happened saman ekor abolished? What happened when everybody got WiFi? What next? Policies must be long term, any government to be must address three issues: economic (deficits and all), healthcare and education. Talking about saman ekor and welfare payment are short term gain! Move on DAP!

I can see the disapointment in the faces of Pakatan supporters after this statement by LGE. After all the barking of fighting corruption, so called 'equality', and so forth, only these 3 promises that dap can guarantee the rakyat?? LGE thinks that these 3 policies will make a world me it sounds more of a socialist/populist policies...the people demand something policies for example...aiyaaaa.

Yes. Convince us that PR can govern & not just united now for the sake of getting to Putrajaya. Then what? Also, convince us that you have a solid economical plan for the country to ensure progress. So far PR shadow cabinet is not functioning (or does it still exist). All this small give away is only to score political points. The rakyat deserved to know your plan if you are the government. Emphasizing on corruptions will definitely get the rakyats support (although the recent cases do not reflect well on PR), but we need to know your stand/plan on issues like welfare, law, security, health, education & economy. Tell us, please if you need the rakyats vote.

If you insist on abolishing saman ekor for popularity reasons without any more effective ways of handling traffic menace, you are just making a mockery of me supporting u ! Traffic, illegal parkings, cleaniness, crime prevention and corruption are the things I want to see an improvement in if u win the federal elections. If you wana be popular instead, then dont regret. So make sure you know what you are talking about.

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